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线话英语|2014-04-18 12:20:24
       "Interest is the best teacher", learning English must first have the interest and efforts to develop this interest. If you are not interested in English, it would not have sustained the energy and power, English learning will be difficult to stick to it. Otherwise, once you have interest in English and efforts to develop this interest, then, you willimperceptibly to do, with a strong desire to read English, listening to English, speak English, write english. You will take the initiative to find people to practice English, you can find all the English language a chance to improve your english. Improve your English will imperceptibly. Imperceptibly you learn English. So the "interest" has play a decisive role role to learn english. However, although aware of the importance of interest, but few have the awareness, step by step to nurture and develop their interest in english.

       "兴趣是最好的老师",学习英语首先要有兴趣并努力发展这一兴趣。如果你对英语没有兴趣,那就不会有持续的干劲和动力,英语学习将很难坚持下去。反之,一旦你对英语有了兴趣并努力地发展这一兴趣,那么,你就会不知不觉地去做,带着强烈的欲望去读英语,听英语,说英语,写英语。你就会主动地找人去练英语,找一切可以提高你英语的机会去提高你的英语水平。不知不觉中你的英语就会提高。不知不觉中你就把英语学会了。所以"兴趣"对学好英语有举足轻重的作用。 然而,尽管知道兴趣的重要性,但很少有人有意识、有步骤地去培养和发展自己对英语的兴趣。

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