许方舟 Tom Xu
年龄:18  职业:学生
多听,多说。 享受和老师聊天的过程。尽量把自己倾入英语的环境的当中。 每次上课不要把课程当作 一种折磨, 而是和老师开心的对话。 学英语也不要死记硬背, 多看看美剧,英剧,电影什么的, 然 后在游戏玩乐中成长。还有就是不要害怕不说, 要大胆说, 外国学生也会有许多口语语法错, 大声说 出来, 没有人会因为小错来批评教育你。 反而在大声说的过程中能够得到自信以及很大的提升。总的 来说, 我非常喜欢线话英语给我提供的平台, 来让我和地道的外国人来交流, 并且在交流的过程中, 我也得到了一生的朋友, 以及认识乐一个尽职尽责的好老师。 希望未来的过程中, 我的英语能够说的 更好,更流利。 也希望在线话英语中学习的学生们也能在聊天的过程不断的进步。 by Tom Xu
Tom is one of the best students I ever have. I cannot use enough words to describe how grateful I am having him in my class. As his teacher I am also proud of every bit of his success. He\'s been improving a lot since day 1. He is very dynamic, cooperative and determine to achieve his goals especially as an English learner. Tom can discuss any types of topics in the class, it could be familiar or unfamiliar to him. His willingness to overcome challenging tasks helps him a lot to improve his logical thinking and reasoning skills. He became much more confident, too. He can even correct some of his lapses in both Pronunciation and Grammar. He can talk longer and can organize his thought very well. He is open to any corrections and suggestions and tries his best to avoid the same mistakes over and over again. He can always support his ideas. If he thinks he cannot give more information about the topic, he state it clearly and openly in the class. When you want to learn English fast. You need to have three things in you and those are “Motivation, Commitment and Passion\". And Tom just possesses these three characteristics. Way to go!
学生很优秀,对英语的学习更是有自己的方法,可以举一反三,自己总结学习和进步的方法,很仔细的 查看学员空间的内容,课下也做很多的准备工作,不仅仅在英语的学习上面很认真,平时在学校的表现 也是非常棒的,希望你以后可以取得更高的成绩。
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