李彪 Bill
年龄:35  职业:

My job need communicate with foreign custormers and foreign colleagues.When I having meeting with foreigners, I always feel nervous, and I am fear of being asked some questions. Because of my poor English,I just can write and can't speak fluently. Even I have some good ideas, I can't deliver it in English.So I had missed many chances. I decided to improve my English, and have applied for the lesson of linewow. The teachers are nice and patient. They encouraged me to speak and collected me. I feel I got some progress in speaking English after taking for a while. At least I don't fear to speak English,and my hearing is improved. I can talk with the foreign teacher.I like linewow and will keep studying.thanks


Bill can now speak freely and has the confidence to express what's on your mind wout worrying about grammatical lapses also he can now easily understand long sentences questions. did well on speaking.  he's able to understand the questions and give direct answer. Bill had learned a lot of new things both from Class Exercises and From his material.Through Reading and Speaking exercises I was able to check the words that the student has to improve and so far he's been able to retain all these learning,




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