年龄:31岁  职业:白领

去年进了一家外企公司后,虽然自己工作很努力,但是像平时工作中经常会与一些外国的客户进行沟通上感觉很吃力,其实想想和我做同样工作的一些同事,他们的工资都比我高,并不见得我平时工作就不努力,就是因为跟外国客户互相交流这块确实成为了自己的短板。 工作中有时候经常会给外国客户写些邮件,简单的会一些,但是稍微详细一点的邮件,就会出现很多错误,经理其实也挺看好我,也时常鼓励我让我闲暇时间可以多学些英语。当时也是下定决心,给自己定了个目标一定要攻破自己的英语弱项。平时工作也比较忙,没时间去培训班,也是通过在网上寻找了一些培训机构做了下对比,最终选择了线话英语,因为这种模式来说特别适合我,在线话英语学习了6个月后,自己的口语提高的还不错,比以前交流顺畅多了,而且我工作的质量和效率明显提高了,曾经每天为花费太多时间写邮件而苦恼,现在已经一去不复了.因为可以轻松地表达。回复邮件也就更及时更积极.客户感觉自己倍受重视,也就更加愿意合作.久而久之对合作产生了依赖性.客人终于放心了,而且现在我对于和老外的沟通再也没有以往的胆怯和慌乱,充满了信心。目前的话我还在巩固学习重,正确让自己的口语更上一层楼,真切地希望所有在学习英语的朋友都能够得到实质性的进步。

Louis is a better speaker now than before. The lessons have really helped him overcome many of the difficulties he used to have before taking lessons. LISTENING: He is showing improvements in listening because he can easily recognize words now and his teacher is not speaking in a faster speed. Liu is able to respond appropriately and understands the teacher's pronunciation of words. He can now respond to questions appropriately. Also, he can now follow instructions. He can distinguish correct and wrong pronunciation of words too. Still I suggest he should stop watching English movies with Chinese subtitles and he should listen to more English songs. SPEAKING: Liu's speaking ability is better now than last month's. He's more confident in making long sentences and he's expressing himself satisfactorily now. PRONUNCIATION: Now he can distinguish the differences between vowel sounds, consonants like L and R and W, which means that he's taking time to master the sounds and be able to produce them appropriately. VOCABULARY: Although I can say that he's still a bit challenged in this aspect, he is trying his best to learn the parts of the speech and their functions in sentence usage. GRAMMAR: For grammar, he has already learned SUBJECT-VERB-AGREEMENT, basic TENSES however he still has yet to learn about complex sentence structure. But overall he's improved a lot.

louis刚开始就对我们这种教学模式很适应,而且他的兴趣也非常大。虽然刚开始口语方面的交流不是 很流畅也出现很多发音错误,不过在我对他的一些发音纠正以及口语练习的过程中,louis非常用心和 刻苦,在线话英语学习这么长时间以来,louis无论是在口语句型的积累还是一些英语时态的把握以及 口音方面,进步都很大。尤其是和外教老师的沟通。基本已经没什么问题了。louis取得这么好的成绩 也许正是靠他自己的努力以及我们老师的耐心辅导有关。希望louis再接再厉,争取英语水平更上一层楼!

备案/许可证号: 京ICP备13007069号 教育部职成司函[2010]177号