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线话英语|2014-05-05 11:26:48
       When everyone has get disheartened. It is that time enrich our life experience - the highs and lows. If we do not experience low how can reach climax about life.


 Frustration, disappointment, failure and frustration is helps us to maintain a strongmentality. The secret of life is to learn from these experiences, reduce our continued sluggish get disheartened time. So the next time you feel down, try to do these:


1. Take the long view

 When our aspiration (we think should happen) is not a reality (actual events), we will bedisappointed. In many cases, our expectations are unrealistic, and this is our time estimation has a certain relationship. If we look from long-term, lower yourexpectations, also can effectively reduce our sense of loss. The fact is the most worthy of our effort and time is the most important thing is to wait for a good result. So be patient!


2. Remember, there is no such thing as failure. There is only education

 When that after we fail at something, low sense followed. However, failure is not the true existence, unless we give it gives the meaning of failure. If we do not have time toget the results you want, just need to take new actions. The failure as a bad thing.


 We can choose to fail as a sink growth education, a good thing. If you look at the problem in this way, we can know that failure is not what bad things or need to avoid.Just a small setback. Think so, can reduce the low sense.


3. Stay true to our vision. See it again in our mind

 Feel depressed, think of their own ideals. Think about what we want. Carefully think about it, feel if dreams come true is what feeling. For we will mean what? We will havewhat kind of mood. When we go to fantasy, to feel, feel full of energy, depression willdisappear in smoke.


4. Don’t let our ego get in the way of our development
Conceit is often caused by the main reason sense of loss and frustration. In fact, does not have to be this way, we can control our own. Once the control, we have towards the ladder of progress. Once we truly have the ability to deal with the criticism, setbacks,we will grow. Growth is the end of happiness.


5. Stop comparing ourself to others. We’re on a unique path

There is no doubt, always comparing yourself to others will let us down. Why: we oftensee is their achievements, success and advantages. We see that they have no part,what we see is why they are better than us. If so, we can easily feel disappointed to feeluncomfortable. At the same time, we rarely pay attention to their struggle, fear,frustration and failure.


 So don't do that, it will only make you more discouraged. Don't compare, we are the one and only exist. Let others to motivate you to is good, but if the story of others make you feel inadequate, then only need to focus on yourself.


6. Detach from rewards, focus on our actions and giving our best work

 If we do a thing only power that may get rewarded, then we will unconsciouslyembarked on a road to disappointment. The act itself is worth the reward. In this way,we will be "free body", freedom is the core of happiness. If you are doing a thing does not need the praise of others, does not need to work for sure reward, then we would have to focus on doing the best job. Once the progress will be very happy.


7. Change our “rules” for being happy

 What time will feel happy? What kind of things will make us feel successful? This in our hands? If not, then we may have pushed the failure of no return. The so-called rules, Imean something must be able to make us feel successful specific scene.


We need to make provisions for ourselves, we need to follow these can be controlled by their own rules. For example, my rule is: as long as I grow is success, as long as my efforts are successful. 


8. Consider who we are spending time with

Those people and we get along with the longest is perhaps the greatest factor indepression. This sounds very comfortable, especially they are family or your lover. We always unconsciously into the closest people look, if we keep and negative peopletogether, feel sorry for them, we also will be affected and they like to look at life.


Then how to do? We can not simply be lover out of life. So I can do is to expand theirsocial circle. Join group active peers. Surround yourself with positive energy as thebalance. Imperceptibly we will learn from these positive energy, but also can help usreduce frustration. 


9. Get outside, move and breathe

The fresh air and sunshine can really bring us a different feeling. When we feeldepressed, simply go out and breathe the fresh air. Exercise can let the mood, good mood can bring more positive emotions. If we feel depressed, then take a deep breath,go to the countryside to have a look, feel the fresh air, enjoy the sunshine, hiking,walking, cycling or swimming running, what can. Only by doing so will definitely very happy. 


10. Talk to our mentor

During the depression, mentor is our biggest source of wisdom. So when feeling quietly come, go for a cup of Coffee with teacher. According to their own experience to give us some wisdom tips. Most of the time, they give our love and care can help us out ofinferiority, will help us to develop detailed plans to come out of depression. 


11. Go find someone who we can help

This is the best way to reduce depression. Look for people who need help, and help them. This is really very simple. In the service of others, to help those who need help,we will be happy. When the heart to help others, think the problem from another angle,frustration will cease to exist. Depression is an internalized emotion, when we only concern ourselves with such bad feeling will. However, when we stop thinking about yourself, to help others, all good. 


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