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线话英语|2014-06-25 18:19:53
Transcendental hackers:


"Transcendental hacker" is a modern world as the background of the science fiction film, tells the story of three scientists trying to study stem cells as well as more advanced computer technology that will change the basic principles of human life.


"Transcendental hacker" directed by Wali Pfister, Christopher Nolan producer, Johnny Depp, Kate Mara, Morgan Freeman, starring Rebecca Hall. Videos on April 18, 2014 release in the United States.


March 24, 2014 message from Johnny Depp starred in the sci-fi film "transcendental hacker" Mainland China confirmed profiles for April 18, to achieve simultaneous release with the United States. By then, the film will be 2D, 3D, IMAX 3D, China's giant screen theaters all standard landing in China.

2014年3月24日消息,由约翰尼·德普领衔主演的科幻片《超验骇客》中国内地确认定档4月18日,实现与美国同步上映。届时,影片将以2D、3D、IMAX 3D、中国巨幕的全制式登陆中国各大影院。
Transcendental hackers classic lines:

1, I will never let you alone.

2, is to me, has always been my!

3, do not to save me, and lose yourself!

4, the computer is used to assist humans, not replace humans.

5, you are right in the creation of God, humans are not the creation of God has been trying to do.

6, the purpose of the invention is to allow the network closer to humans, but now I realize, there is no network, only the most intimate.

7, human emotions are rational thinking judge decided a few things, but emotionally determined to resist all been fighting so illogical to go! Unless you are a robot!

8, I want to do is not to rule the world, but to protect you. I am a mathematician, I am not a super hacker. I uploaded the evolution of consciousness is not for eternal life, but to be with you forever. I have done everything for you.

9 Will the gradual exhaustion of the body, but his consciousness in the form of radio waves exist, we can upload his consciousness, we can save him.

10. Your friend crossed the bottom line, they do not know the dangers.
Introduction to Transcendental hackers:

Dr. Weir Custer (Johnny Depp ornaments) is a leading researcher in the field of artificial intelligence, he is committed to creating the most humane ever sentient robots, combined with the full range of human emotion and wisdom. While Will highly controversial experiment to make him famous, but it also makes him a thorn in the anti-technology extremists, extremists began culmination of all these stop him. But I did not expect is that they destroy the action of Will, has inadvertently become a catalyst for the success of the experiment Will artificial intelligence people - became his "transcendental" participants. 


Will's wife, Evelyn (Rebecca Hall ornaments) and his best friend Max (Paul Bettany ornaments) is a researcher with the experiment, but the problem is not that they can not ...... but they should not be continued in the study. Evelyn and Max are most worried about is that they are increasingly aware that Will is no longer simply to explore research, but gradually evolved into the pursuit of a power, he is everywhere, people can not be expected in the future under his control what the outcome is, the only scary thing is increasingly clear that no one can stop him. In Marx's most Houyifulin hacker program will help data centers implanted Weir, the end of all this.


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