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线话英语|2015-04-20 11:24:53

         You shouldeat something.

I don'thave much of an appetite these days.

I have aslight cold. 我有点感冒.

I feelchilly. 我浑身发冷。

Here, wearmy jacket.

I have abad cold 我得了重感冒.

I have astuffy nose. 鼻子堵了.

I have arunny nose. 我在流鼻涕.

My nose isrunning.

My nosewon't stop running.

I have abit of a fever. 我在发烧.

I think Ihave a fever.我好像发烧了. --Let's check.

I have ahigh temperature. 我在发高烧.

I feellike throwing up. 我想吐.

I feelnauseous.

Ouch! 好疼!/好烫!


Ow! /Ithurts!

It'sitchy. 痒痒

Bless you. 多保重。

Whathappened? 你怎么了?

I broke myleg. 我腿骨折了。

How longwill the cast be on? 石膏


One moremonth.

I burnedmy hand. 我把手给烫了。



How didyou burn your hand?

I sprainedmy ankle. 我崴(wǎi)脚了。

How? 怎么弄的?

I sprainedit playing golf.

I twistedmy ankle.

Well, Ican call for help.

I caught acold from you.


I muststay in bed. 我必须静养休息

I havestiff shoulders. 我肩膀酸痛

Myshoulders are stiff.

My eyesare tired. 我眼睛发酸

Issomebody hurt? 有谁受伤了?

My feverhas gone down. 我退烧了

I can'tstop coughing. 我咳嗽不止.

Mythroat's sore.我嗓子疼.*sore火辣辣地疼

I have asore throat.

It'sbleeding. 我流血了.

I've got acut here. 我这儿割破了

It hurts. 好疼

I gotstung by a bee. 我被蜜蜂蜇了

Do I needan operation?


I don'tthink that will be necessary.

Will Ihave to have an operation?

Will ittake long? 要花很长时间吗?

Can I takea bath? /Can I bathe?


Is it okayto drink? 可以喝酒么?

Is it allright to drink? /May I drink?

Should Ibe hospitalized?


Do youhave a fever?你发烧吗?

I don'tknow. I don't have a thermometer.

Do youhave a high temperature?

How do youfeel?

I feelbetter (now).

我觉得好多了.Thank you.

I don'tfeel any better.


I stilldon't feel well.

Are youalright again? 你的病好了吗?

Are youwell again?

Are youyourself again?

Are youback to normal again?

He passedaway. 他去世了

  (4 恋爱和结婚


Tom is alady-killer. 汤姆是个美男子.

Tom datesaround a lot. …和好多女人来往

Tom is areal playboy.

Tom reallyturns me on. ..真让我神魂颠倒(汤姆真让我神魂颠倒)

I'm crazyabout Tom.

I havestrong feelings for Tom.

I loveTom.

I have thehots for Tom. *俚语。

I didn'tknow you felt that way.

Chris isreally a heartbreaker. …长得真帅(克里斯长得的真帅)

Chrisbreaks a lot of hearts.

Chrisdates a lot of women.  。

Janet is aknockout. 珍妮特真迷人.

You cansay that again! 颇有同感

Janet issexy.

Janet isbeautiful.

I think hehas a crush on u.他好像看上你了.

Give me abreak. 别随便瞎说。

I think heis infatuated with you....迷住

I think helikes you.

Jane seemsto like me.


I've gotthe feeling that Jane likes me.

I thinkJane likes me.

I have ahunch that Jane likes me. 预感

Diana'sbeen coming on to Jack..有意思(丹娜对杰克有意思.

I can'thandle a girl like her. 对待


She's toomuch for me.

I'm dyingto see her. 忍不住()…


I'm tryingto make a pass at her.追求,求爱(我想追求她.

I don'tblame you. 我理解你

I'm tryingto pick her up.我想把她弄到手

I'm tryingto get a date with her. ..约会

You brokemy heart.你也太狠心了.

I didn'tmean to...我不是那个意思…

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