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Nelly Furtado - All Good Thing 中英文歌词

线话英语|2011-12-12 16:25:32

【每日一歌】今天推荐的歌曲是加拿大歌手Nelly Furtado——All Good Things(Come to an End),旋律中透露一丝丝伤感,但是正是这种伤感让我们体会到爱情的苦涩,特别是那一句Lovers to friends,更让我们感到爱情的无奈,但只要能放得下一切,相信每个人都能找到自己的最适合的那个.




Dogs were whistling a new tune 狗在低喉着新的调调
Barking at the new moon 没有用
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die 希望它能快点来这样他们可以死去

Honestly what will become of me 老实说我会变成什么样子
I don't like reality 我不喜欢现实
It's way too clear to me 这条路太清晰
But really life is daily 但是真的,生活就是每天的
We are what we don't see 我们是我们看不到的
We missed everything daydreaming 我们错过每件事像白日梦

Flames to dust 光芒到尘埃
Lovers to friends 情人到朋友
Why do all good things come to an end 为什么所有好的事情都会有结局

Travelling I always stop at exits 旅游,我总是在出口停下
Wondering if I'll stay 想着我要不要留下
Young and restless 年轻和不平静
Living this way I stress less 这样的生活让我少些压力
I want to pull away when the dream dies 梦破灭的时候我想逃开
The pain sets it and I don't cry 疼痛,但我不哭
I only feel gravity and I wonder why 我觉得重我想知道为什么

And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day until the 
feeling went away太阳在犹豫它是不是要离开一天直到这感觉消失
And the clouds were dropping and the...云在抛下。。
The rain forgot how to bring salvation 雨忘了怎么带来超度
The dogs were whistling a new tune barking at the new moon 狗在用新的调调吠叫出新的绝望
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die希望死神快点来这样他们就能释怀

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