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线话英语|2012-03-05 10:59:14

       由线话英语提供    www.linewow.com

  1.Do you like watching films?


  ①On Saturday nights, I am of ten accompanied by my parents to watch the latest movies.It’s kind of a firmly tradition that I started when I still was a child.

  ②There’s a theatre just around the comer from my home,which is named the Dream Cinema.It’s probably one of the favorite cinemas in Chongqing, SO they always play the very latest films.And, the ticket price is still fairly reasonable and acceptable for average peoples.

  2.Do you prefer listening to the radio or watching television?


  ①Most of the time,I prefer watching television rather than listening to the radio.Television is much better than video because it has pictures.I always think that pictures can offer more information than mere sounds.I like watching movies,and situational comedies on television.Sometimes I watch the programs that introduce famous scenery around the world,or the knowledge about animals and plants.Watching television is the best way to entertain because right now there are many entertaining programs on various channels,and I can totally relax myself when watching these programs.

  ②I would rather listen to the radio instead of watching television.First of all,the programs on television right now are very boring.Sometimes I change all the channels and can not find any program I like.I like listening to music,and whenever you turn on the radio,you can find a channel that is playing music.What is more,television is quite bad for the eyes,and people will waste lots of time when they watch a situational comedy they like.I like listening to the radio before I fall asleep,so I can rest my eyes while enjoying the beautiful melodies.

  3. What do you think of violence on TV and films?

  ①Although I dislike the violence on television and in films,I have to say it is necessary for some of the films and programs.People often say that the violence can make the programs or movies more exciting.Some movies want to show the heroism and courage of the hero,and in this case,they have to emphasize the cruelty of the enemies and the hard process of over coming the difficulties to win the victory.People always like to see that the evil people are being beaten by the heroes,which shows their hope for the victory of justice.

  ②I am very concerned with the violence on television and in the films.It is pretty bad,you know.Some producers,in order to meet the taste of some audiences,add much more violence into the movies to make the plot more exciting.However,these actions will influence the action of children.They will get more aggressive and want to solve problems with force as they had seen in movies.I think it will cause people to believe that the justice is ensured by force,which will greatly corrupt people’s attitude towards society.

  4. If a book has been made into a movie,which do you prefer to do first,see the movie or read the book?

  ①Surely I will watch the movie.You know,it usually takes at least a week to read a novel,but it takes only two or three hours to watch a movie.To a person like me who is always very busy,it is a good way to know the main plot and the main idea of the book.Although I have to admit that there are some changes to the movie,the general ideas of the book can not be changed.Once I spent two months to read the novel Gone with the Wind,which is a very long novel,but when 1 watched the movie,it gave me a deeper impression and I can say that I understand the story much better because it cancels many unimportant details in the book.

  ②Comparatively speaking,I would rather to read the book.If I watch a very interesting movie,I will always try my best to find its original book to read.You know,when a book has been made into a movie,it surely contains the ideas of the director,which might be the wrong understanding to the original ideas of the author.What is more,rereading the novel means to watch the story for the second time,and this will make me understand it better.

  5. How do think of the future of movie?


  ①Cinema offers a large scale, highly detailed and photographic image to a spectator Who is engaged in an activity of intense and relatively sustained attention to it.Broadcast TV offers as mall image of low definition, to which sound is crucial in holding the spectator's attention.The spectator glances rather than gazes at the screen; attention is sporadic rather than sustained.

  ②As a television viewer, one watches and takes part in multiple narratives:the main program, the commercial interruptions,and the domestic dramas going on in the room, all of them folded one within the other.In this way,television becomes a kind of communal experience,though different from film and the movie theater.


下一篇:三一口语四级话题二 SAMPLE TOPIC: Buying things and go to the shop

由英语口语教材提供  线话英语:www.linewow.com