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线话英语|2012-03-05 11:06:44

        由线话英语提供  www.linewow.com


  1.Which type of transportation do Chinese people usually use for travel?


  ①For most Chinese people,traveling by train is the type of transportation they usually use, because,you know,traveling by train is quite cheap,and safe.And with the development Of the railway,the speed of trains increases

  year by year.And thus traveling by train is quite faster than by bus.It will still run on time even in the worst weather,so it is a good choice for the people who have made a busy schedule of their travels.

  ② In my opinion,the bus is still the most employed type of transportation for Chinese people.It is quite easy to get onto the bus at a bus station.Unlike the exact schedule of the railway。

  ③ The bus is always ready for ALL travelers who are not so sure of the time when they will finish their visit someplace.For those travelers who would like to see the beautiful scenery among the hills,the bus is still the only choice for them.

  2.What is the difference between traveling personally and traveling as a team?


  ①I think the major difference is the freedom the travelers have.Traveling personally offers a good opportunity to decide the time and place according to personal preference.You can stay somewhere as long as you like,and enjoy

  the scenery in the way you like.while when you travel as a team,you have to follow the timetable of the team,and so you will always feel the pressure of time,and the interruption of other members of the team.

  ② Well.I would like the clear destination of team travel.When there is a guide in the team.you do not need to worry about how you get there,where you can find a good place to have a rest,or where the best place of this interest is.All those things have been done by Others.

  ③ In this way,what you need to do is follow the guide and enjoy yourself.When you travel alone,I think there are lots of problems you have to solve.Because you are a stranger there,So it is quite common that you can not find the way to the place you wanted.All those trifles will surely destroy your feelings when visiting.

  3.What are the disadvantages of traveling?


  ①Well,I think the disadvantage of traveling people talk about most is that 10ng distance

  between the place one lives and the place one would like to travel to.Unlike Japan Or Other small countries,China is a very big country,which has lots of famous scenery.However.it also means you have to travel a long way to get to these places.It usually takes one half Of the time on the road when traveling.People often already get tired before they arrive at the destination,and after they finish their enjoyment,there is still a long way left for

  them to go back,and that is the most important baffle that stops people from travel a lot.

  ② I travel a lot around this country,so I can list a number of disadvantages of traveling has become one of the most important industries in China,and China earns lots of tourism.Most people rush to the limited places of interest and make these places very crowded,while the local government does not know how to exploit the resources of tourism.

  ③ And what is more,the pollution that travelers produce has greatly destroyed the beauty of nature.However,I believe that people will surely solve these problems,and people will maintain a harmoniously relationship with nature while they are enjoying it.

  4.What do you think individuals should do to protect natural beauty?


  I think everybody should protect nature because we are part of it.First of all,when we enjoy the natural beauty,we do not want to see rubbish in the rivers or on the mountains.So we should take away all the plastic bags or drink bottles when we leave.And we should persuade the travelers around us to do it.What is more.I think we should also protect the plants and animals in the places of interest.

  5.Do you think we should protect ancient buildings?


  ① Yes,of course.Those ancient buildings are built by our forebears in ancient times,and all those buildings have become part of our Chinese culture,and remind people of the prosperity of China hundreds or thousands of years ago. For example,the Forbidden City

  ② It has become an exhibition of art and architecture,as well as the culture of royalty of the Ming and Qing Dynasty.Right now,more and more people are interested in these ancient buildings and they want to know the culture of their nation from it.Once destroyed,all these ancient buildings are a great lose for a11 our Chinese people.or even the lose of the whole world.So all those ancient buildings should be well protected to bequeath them to the next generation.



由英语口语教材提供  线话英语:www.linewow.com