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英语 口语学习“不速之客”的英文怎么说?

线话英语|2015-05-08 15:54:42

  Social terrorism means when someone you know comes to visit unexpectedly and inconveniently, often staying for a long time, and you can't tell them to leave without being rude.

  Social terrorism(英语 口语学习译为“不请自来”或“社交炸弹”)指有熟人在你不太方便的时候突然到访,而且停留很长时间,你又不能很粗鲁地恳求人家离开。

  英语 口语学习例句:

  Yesterday, I was just about to go out, and then the doorbell rang. It was Sally, and she invited herself in and stayed for an hour! It was social terrorism!






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