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线话英语|2015-05-08 16:40:10


  You:These days more and more students choose to study abroad. What do you think of this trend?现在越来越多的学生决定出国留学。你对这种趋势怎么看?



  David:Many students want to learn more about western culture and business. This has been increasingly important after China entered the WTO. However, some students want to study abroad in order to move there.很多学生想要理解西方的文明跟商业经济。中国加入WTO当前,这变得尤为重要了。然而,也有一些学生想要移民出去。





  David:I personally don’t know. It depends. If they get accustomed to the country, they stay. 我不太清楚,视情况而定。如果他们适应了新的生活,就会留下来。

  You:I have seen movies about Chinese people who live abroad. They might be happy at times but as time goes by they might find living in a different culture very difficult. They might also find that they aren’t treated as equals. 我看过一些描写在国外生活的中国人的电影。开始时他们可能觉得挺开心,但随着时间的推移,他们会以为在一个不同文化的国度生涯无比艰难,或感到受到不平等待遇。

  David:They don’t have confidence?是他们对本人没有信心吗? 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

  You:Is the problem their confidence or their nationality? In order to get a green card some people will work hard and pour their heart and soul into this endeavor. When they get the green card, however, they might discover that there are some problems with other people. Some people discriminate against them because they are Asian.问题出在他们的信念还是他们的国籍呢?为了拿到绿卡,一些人不惜所有代价地拼命工作。然而当他们拿到了绿卡,他们可能发现真正的问题在于一些人因为他们是亚洲人而鄙弃他们。


  David:Two things make it difficult to live abroad. One thing is that it may be illegal to work there and the other thing is that some people may prefer hiring people from their own country rather than foreigners. It’s different here in China. Foreigners are more welcomed here.完全不合法的艰巨工作跟工作机会的不等同(一些人喜好雇佣自己国家的人工作)使得中国人在国外生活非常艰难,而在中国就不一样了,外宾是很受欢迎的。





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