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Autumn Hill魅惑演绎新歌

线话英语|2015-05-08 17:26:00


     加拿大乡村二人组 Autumn Hill 最新单曲《Fire》!Autumn Hill 这组二人城市组合已经促地唱入歌迷们的心里啦,魅惑的歌声让人不由自主的陷入其中,真是一首好歌啊。

城市二人组 Autumn Hill 新单


Fire, fire
Fire, fire

We drove down to California
Till we lose ourselves on the way
Run out of gas in South Dakota
And we hadn't slept in two days

I sat in the middle
And you started burning
It don't ... bringing
And I stop my singing
Then I started calling
I watch you've been hurting along the way

Now the world's on fire, fire
Everything went up in smokes
And the flames got higher, higher
Everything we had is soaked in kerosene

Smoking up the way we're on
It took our love
And you set it on fire, fire
Every way that you turn I burn

We're two hours from the border
It's so quiet, there's nothing left to say
You want to stay in California
Cause I don want to spend one more day

Stuck in the middle
And you started burning
It don't ... bringing
And I stop my singing
Then I started calling
I watch you've been hurting along the way

Now the world's on fire, fire
Everything went up in smokes
And the flames got higher, higher
Everything we had is soaked in kerosene

Smoking up the way we're on
It took our love
And you set it on fire, fire
Every way that you turn I burn

Stay back
Speed at the stop sign
Burning rubble over our minds
Silence you with the gas
And let 'em burn

Fire, fire
Fire, fire

Smoking up the way we're on
It took our love
And you set it on fire, fire
Every way that you turn I burn

Fire, fire
Everything went up in smokes
And the flames got higher, higher
Everything we had is soaked in kerosene

Smoking up the way we're on
It took our love
And you set it on fire, fire
Every way that you turn I burn


由英语口语教材提供  线话英语:www.linewow.com