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六级 听力:布兰妮全新单曲

线话英语|2015-05-08 17:27:22

  一、六级 听力歌曲mv欣赏:


  1月11日,布兰妮发行了全新单曲Hold It Against Me。这首歌当天就沸腾了,时隔多日,万众等候的首款单曲MV也出炉了!此前已经有过多款粉丝自己剪辑的MV,这次官方MV出炉,六级 听力赶紧一睹为快!

  Artist:Britney Spears
  Song:Hold It Against Me


  三、六级 听力歌曲参考歌词:

Hey over there
Please forgive me
If I'm coming on too strong
Hate to stare
But you're winning
And they're playing my favorite song
So come here
A little closer
Wanna whisper in your ear
Make It clear
Little question
Wanna know just how you feel
If I said my heart was beating loud
If we could escape the crowd somehow
If I said I want your body now
Would you hold it against me
Cause you feel like paradise
I need a vacation tonight
So if I said I want your body now
Would you hold it against me
Hey You might think
That I'm crazy
But I you know I'm just your type
I'ma be a little hazy
But you just cannot deny
There's a spark in between us
When we'e dancing on the floor

六级 听力

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