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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:51:50


Her controversial performance at the MTV VMAs just over a week ago still has everyone talking.距离 Miley Cyrus 在 MTV 录影带大奖上极具争议性的表演已有一周的时间,可人们依然在探讨着那场表演。

But one person has remained relatively and uncharacteristically silent about her raunchy stage show with Robin Thicke and that is the woman herself, Miley Cyrus.但对她跟罗宾·西克在台上带有色情谊味的演出,有一个人却一反常态地保持沉默,那便是麦莉·塞勒斯她本人。

In an interview with MTV, the 20-year-old compared herself to Madonna and Britney Spears, who also made headlines when they locked lips during a passionate on air kiss 10 years ago at the 2003 VMAs.在MTV网站的采访中,这位20岁的歌手自比为麦当娜跟布兰妮·斯皮尔斯。这两位巨星在2003年 MTV 录影带大奖的直播上上演的深情一吻也成为了10年前的头条新闻。


The We Can't Stop songstress also revealed that Thicke was very much aware of what he was in for, and that they both knew 'they were about to make history'.这位演唱《We Can't Stop》的女歌手还吐露,西克非常清楚他自己在做什么,而且他们俩都清楚“他们即将发现历史”。

'It is an amazing thing that I think now it is three days later and people are still talking about it,' she gushed.“这是一件神奇的事件。我觉得已经过了三天了,但人们还在乐此不彼地念叨它”,麦莉骄傲地说。

And for all of those critics out there, Miley simply believes that they are just 'over thinking it'.而对所有批评,麦莉简单地认为他们只是“想太多”。

'They're over thinking it. You're thinking more about it than when I did it. Like I didn't even think about it because that is just me,' she said.“他们想太多了。你们想的比我演出时想的还多。我基础就不想这些,因为那就是切实的我。”她说。


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