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线话英语|2015-05-11 13:24:21

  “感恩的心,感谢有你,伴我终生让我有勇气作我本人;感恩的心,感激福气,花开花落我一样会爱惜。” 本文来自:英语之家

  Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow.



  When we put a small piece of alum into muddy water, we can see the alum can soon make the water clear. If each of us has an attitude of being grateful, we'll be able to get rid of impulse, upset, dissatisfaction and misfortune. Being grateful can bring us a better and more beautiful life.




  How can gratitude help us in our everyday lives as moms? Think about the difference you can make in your family' s life just by noticing and being thankful for all the great things they do. When you express gratitude, you show your love and appreciation. Everyone needs to feel these things every day.






  Sometimes as moms we feel that no one appreciates us--and it is true that moms are usually last on the list to be thanked. One way you can teach gratitude is by example. Even on the days when it seems your children or husband are doing everything wrong, find a reason to thank them. Take the time and energy to look for the good.



  Think about the things that your family does that deserve a "Thank you." You might say to your husband, "Thank you for working so hard for our family," or, to your child, "I really appreciate your sense of humor--it feels good to laugh." Expressing your gratitude helps family members to understand how it feels to be appreciated. And if they still don' t catch on, let them know when you feel unappreciated. You can also tell them how great it makes you feel when they do express gratitude. 本文来自:英语之家

  想想你的家人所做的事件,哪些值得你说一句“谢谢”。你可能对丈夫说一句:“谢谢你为我们的家努力工作,”或者对孩子说:“我非常欣赏你的幽默感——笑笑真好。”抒发你的感激会帮助你的家人理解收到感激的心情。如果他们还是无奈感受到,那就在你需要感激的时候告诉他们。你也能够告知他们,当他们向你表白感激时你的感想。 本文来自:英语之家

  Sometimes we get so busy and caught up in daily life that we forget to be grateful. We expect everyone to do their share without being asked. The only time anyone hears anything is when a chore has not been completed. This attitude, over the long haul, will develop very resentful and uncooperative family members.


  有时,咱们过于繁忙,忙于混乱的生活琐事,连感谢都忘记了。我们冀望每个人都可能自发地尽责,在这个时光每个人所能听到的就是做完活。这种态度,一劳永逸,在家人之间就会发展为抱怨和不满。 本文来自:英语之家

  When life is good, gratitude is easy. It becomes more challenging to be grateful when we are experiencing hard times. Financial hardship, long-term illness, the death of a loved one and marital strife can all be trying and difficult. It is hard to find anything to be grateful for. But while pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. We have a choice in how we view our circumstances. We can be thankful for the lessons we learn and the opportunities for personal growth and transformation. Look at all the people in this world who share the gifts they received during especially difficult times of their life. 内容来自

  生活安稳的时候,抒发感激就会很简单。然而,当我们面对艰苦的生活时,抒发感激就很难了。经济艰难,长期疾病,亲人过世和婚姻纠纷这些都可能让人心烦,给生活带来困难。这时候,甚至连找一个感激的理由都很难。诚然痛楚无法避免,但我们有权决定是否接受痛苦悲伤,有权取舍我们该如何看待我们四处的环境。我们感激教训,感激给个人成长和变更的机遇。看看大千世界中的芸芸众生,他们在生活的艰难中获得了礼物。 本文来自:英语之家

  Look at everyone with grateful eyes. Listen to your heart and the heart of your loved ones. Speak words of affirmation every day of your life. Be grateful for your life with all its lessons and blessings. The more grateful thoughts and feelings you experience and express the more instrumental you will be in healing the world. And your outlook on life will improve in the process.






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