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线话英语|2015-05-11 16:08:28

Atlas and Perseus  CopyRight .com

After the killing of MedusaPerseuscarrying her head with himflew far and wideover land and seaAs night came onhe reached the western limit of the earth where the sun goes downHere he would gladly have rested till morningIt was the kingdom of King Atlaswho was bigger than all other menHe was rich in flocks and herds and had no neighbor or rival to invade his countryBut his chiefpride was in his gardenswhose fruit was of goldhanging fromg olden brancheshalf hid with golden leavesPerseus said tohim,“I come as a guestI claim Zeus for my father and I killedMedusaI seek rest and food.”But Atlas remembered that anancient prophecy had warned him that a son of Zeus should one day rob him of his golden  apples So he answered,“Go awayOr neither your false claims of glory or parentage shall protect you and he attempted to drive him outPerseusfinding thegiant too strong for himsaid,“Since you value my friendship solittleplease accept a gift”;and turning his face awayhe heldup Medusa's headAtlas was changed into stoneHis beard and hair became forestshis arms and shoulders cliffshis head asummitand his bones rocksEach part increased till he becamea mountainandsuch was the pleasure of the godsheaven with all its stars rests upon his shoulders CopyRight .com





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