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线话英语|2015-05-18 12:53:45

     1.Rich and Bitch


Have you noticed that so many people claimed themselves “rich and bitch” in friends circle and Sina weibo. What a “malicious” world! The buzzword originates from a real event: In April, Mr. Liu spent 1760 yuan online buying a health care product. Soon after, he got calls from a stranger who persuade him to buy other matched medicines. In the following four months, Mr. Liu remitted a total of 540,000 yuan to the swindler. He said that he had already found himself cheated when he was fooled out of 70,000 yuan. "I just wanted to see how much could they take from me!"



2.Are you kidding me?


The father of the buzzword can be traced back to Linghu Chong, a character in Jin Yongs Swordsman. He satirizes others flattering by saying "The moment I see those who flatter me would I feel so uncomfortable as if I were drunk。” Then a group of DOTA players often use this phrase. No matter one’s skill is good or bad, they will say “Are you kidding me?”


3.It’s so beautiful that I’m too scared to open it.


This is another joke in which unsightly things are intended to be good-looking. The buzzword comes from a sentence of Jolin’s song "Prague Square", which was extended to describe weird things. For example, when you see a very shocking picture, you can use this sentence to express the visual or psychological impact.


4. I just want to be a quiet and handsome man.


This phrase comes from the mini-drama "never expected." In one episode, Tang Monk rescued the Monkey King from under Five Elements Mountain and they embarked on a pilgrimage to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures. The director who plays the monk has a catchphrase—"I still want to be a quiet and handsome man.”This phrase is often used by ugly and thick boys for self-ridicule.

这句流行语来自一部迷你剧《万万没想到》。其中一集讲到唐僧把孙悟空从五指山下救出来,去西天取经的桥段,导演“叫兽易小星”在剧中扮演唐僧,有一句挂在嘴边的口头禅“我还是想安静地当一个美男子”。 为何要安静,因为自己很闹挺,是个2B,为什么做美男子,因为自己是个丑B,因此这句话常常被长得丑的又很2的男生用来自我调侃。





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