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初中英语歌曲:《I'm Not Gonna Miss You》

线话英语|2015-09-21 15:53:55

《I'm Not Gonna Miss You》-Glen Campbell

   Glen Campbell:也许他的声音不是很磁性,也许他的歌词不是很华美,但是,他就是一位歌手,一位挑起你深处灵魂感觉的歌手。在这个喧哗的世界,好久没有听到一首这么淡雅,静静地唱歌的歌曲了。伴随着歌手清丽雅致的声音,我们就来安安静静的睡一觉吧。初中英语歌曲值得推荐。
    简介:这首初中英语歌曲来自美国老牌乡村巨星 Glen Campbell 献唱纪录片《Glen Campbell: I'll Be Me》的原声大碟《I'm Not Gonna Miss You》。这部纪录片讲述了他近年来患上老年痴呆症的经历,配着歌曲感人至深。 
I'm still here, but yet I'm gone
I don't play guitar or sing my songs
They never defined who I am
The man that loves you 'til the end
You're the last person I will love
You're the last face I will recall
And best of all, I'm not gonna miss you
Not gonna miss you
I'm never gonna hold you like I did
Or say I love you to the kids
You're never gonna see it in my eyes
It's not gonna hurt me when you cry
I'm never gonna know what you go through
All the things I say or do
All the hurt and all the pain
One thing selfishly remains
I'm not gonna miss you
I'm not gonna miss you
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