• 05-082015
    .Dvx405 { display:none; }   常用应急场景   典范一:Office supplies needed 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   Where were decorating and I’m going to ask some things.   Well, I’ll be glad to help you out. We can deliv...
  • 05-082015
    .Aoj836 { display:none; }   常用应急场景   典范一:We have been expecting you 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   Good morning. I’m Liu Yi, from China XYZ Company. We have an appointment with Mr. Thomas. 英语之家www.yingyuzhi...
  • 05-082015
    .Fky347 { display:none; }   42.办公室恋情   常用应急场景 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   典范一:Handle emotional stress 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   Do you remember Tina, my good friend? 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   ...
  • 05-082015
    .Vhk246 { display:none; }   常用应急场景   典型一:Changes in rule 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   I am going on a business trip to Guangzhou next Monday morning. 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   To visit our supplier? ...
  • 05-082015
    .Pdy359 { display:none; }   常用应急场景   典范一:What to dress 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   Tomorrow will be my first day at work, what do you think I should be wearing?   Well, if you want to look professio...
  • 05-082015
    .Yyh764 { display:none; }   常用应急场景   典范一:Introduce myself to the office 向办公室的人介绍自己   I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Monica to our company and introduce her to her department and ...
  • 05-082015
    .Dxh422 { display:none; }   常用应急场景   典型一:Company surroundings 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   How long does it take to get to downtown from here? 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   It is 15 minutes’ drive.  ...
  • 05-082015
    .Xqk587 { display:none; }   常用应急场景   典范一:Getting to know your colleague 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   M: Morning, Lucy. Here I am. 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   L: Hi, Monica, how are you doing today? 英语...
  • 05-082015
    .Nsg582 { display:none; }   73.假日的休闲时光   常用应急场景 英语之家www,英语书面语.yingyuzhijia.com   典范一:A special holiday   Have you got any plans for the coming holiday? 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   Yes, I...
  • 05-082015
    .Vsj282 { display:none; }   常用应急场景   典型一:Vibration mode   Di d you hear something?   Oh, it is my cell phone ringing. I set it in the vibration mode.   It is a good habit to set your cell ...
  • 05-082015
    .Pbx990 { display:none; }   常用应急场景   典范一:How to become popular 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   Hi, Lucy, you are very popular with people around you, what are your tricks? 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   Thank ...
  • 05-082015
    .Dxx783 { display:none; }   常用应急场景   典型一:Slow network connection   How come it is slow as a snail today? 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com   You mean the network connection?   Yes, I wanted to look for...
  • 05-082015
    .Mst612 { display:none; }   常用应急场景   典型一:Impressive presentation   Hi, Monica, congratulations! Your presentation at the meeting was very successful and everyone was impressed by your speech. And it was so pe...
  • 05-082015
    .Kud414 { display:none; } Managing in the PresentPresent TensesFocus: time management and current problems facing a service company1. Management themesRead the following text and then discuss the questions below. Time mana...
  • 05-082015
    .Twv119 { display:none; }   在英语学习中,应努力提高听力。这样可以借助听觉,大量、快速地复习学过的单词跟词组,并在此基础上扩展常识面,更多地把持同一词的不同用法,提高阅读速度与理解才干。下面笔者根据自己近两年的实际,与英语自学者谈谈在提高听力方面的点滴...
  • 05-082015
    .Lvq683 { display:none; }   绝对雅思测验中的其余单项,英语培训,书面语是不少考生的弱势名目。除备考要细致,考试时的一些细节也要引起考生注意,提醒大家尤其要留心以下八个细节问题。 英语之家   Keep eye contact.保持眼神交流   中国考生在答题时...
  • 05-082015
    .Sjo718 { display:none; }  ,英语书面语; 内容来自 表白。-illiterate电脑盲。 内容来自 ,英语免费学习网站,免费英语学习网站,免费英语学习网站
  • 05-082015
    .Mbc286 { display:none; } 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com 英语之家www,英语学习网站.yingyuzhijia.com
  • 05-082015
    首届清华创业年会优质项目 “SpeakingMax口语达人”震
    .Nfe360 { display:none; }   在寰球化的今天,英语的重要性已经不言而喻了。在北上广深一线城市,英语在职场和人际交往中,时刻表演着吃重的角色。对于很多走出校门又未曾走出国门的人而言,要控制一口流利的英语,好像是难以企及的空想。 本文来自:英语之家   当初...
  • 05-082015
    .Eah800 { display:none; }   Ⅰ Introduction   It is impolite to begin a meal until everyone is seated. It is also considered impolite to chew food with an open mouth, or to talk while chewing anything。   在别人落座之...