• 05-212015
  • 05-212015
    当你走在路上,遇到了好久不见的朋友,你会怎么和他打招呼呢?当然,如果是铁杆闺蜜,真接拥抱以表双方的喜悦之情。除了拥抱,我们一般会习惯使用下面哪一句来开场呢? 1. Haven't seen you for weeks. 几周没见到你了。 2. Long time no see. 好久不见。 3. It's...
  • 05-202015
    线话英语口试话题:餐厅吃饭(Eating in a restaurants)
    Many people like eating out in restaurants because their work keep them very busy during the day, so they would like to find a quiet place to relax. If you have adequate money you can go to Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant ...
  • 05-202015
    线话英语口试话题:业余活动(Free-time activities)
    I think free-time activities are important to everyone. They make the best of their free time to enrich their life and for relaxation. At the weekend many of them take part in outdoor activities, such as ball games, camping,...
  • 05-202015
    There are many traditional and modern forms of entertainment in China for people to enjoy. Such as, music, dance, cross talk and witty skits.Zhao Benshan, Pan Changjiang, Song Dandan and Huang Hong are popular witty skit perfo...
  • 05-202015
    Actually everybody wants to keep healthy, because with a healthy body people can do more work to gain more wealth, and we students can study more energetically to acquire more knowledge. I think if we want to keep healthy, ...
  • 05-202015
    线话英语口试话题:急救(First aid)
    First aid is the aid or help that is given to an injured person or a patient first before any other help arrives. I think that everybody should have some first aid knowledge, because it is very important in medical emergen...
  • 05-202015
    线话英语口试话题:中国节日(Chinese holidays and festivals )
    Chinese holidays and festivals are quite different from holidays and festivals in other countries. We have many traditional festivals and national holidays in China. For example, Chinese New Year, or the Spring Festival, Qingming...
  • 05-202015
    In Beijing, there are many department stores, shopping centers, supermarkets and many free markets. We can buy things I need convenient. Many people like to go to department stores or supermarkets to do their shopping. For exa...
  • 05-202015
    英语口试的话题偶尔也会来一次出人意料,不在时事,在于我们身边。就像我们每天都在学习,你有没有尝试用英语口语来描述你每天的学习呢?线话英语在线一对一外教课程为您抽取一份有关学习的口试范文,供您查阅。 All students want to receive good scores or gra...
  • 05-202015
    英语口试的话题偶尔也会来一次出人意料,不在时事,在于我们身边。就像我们每天都在学习,你有没有尝试用英语口语来描述你每天的学习呢?线话英语在线一对一外教课程为您抽取一份有关学习的口试范文,供您查阅。 All students want to receive good scores or gra...
  • 05-202015
    体现你英语口语能力的测试之一就是英语口试。英语口试一般选择时事热点来作为话题。关于交通方面的英语口语您把握的如何?线话英语在线一对一外教课程为您抽取出一份有关交通的口试范文,供您阅读。 Now the transport system of Beijing has had an absolute change compared ...
  • 05-202015
    在英文中关于旅游的表达有几个常用英语单词,意思差不多,有时单词也可以通用,所以,经常也会让学英语的同学迷糊用。这些旅游单词,您用对了吗? 常用英语单词:travel   travel一般指长途旅行,或到国外或远方旅行。   与journey不同之处,在于不着重某一目的地,有...
  • 05-202015
    英语口试话题:旅游(Travel )
    随着人民生活水平的提高,越来越多的朋友选择假日旅游,旅游英语使用频率直线上升。相关的旅游英语口试话题在口语口试现场最为考点的情况也逐年增加。线话英语整理出一份旅游英语口试话题供大家阅读。 范文: First, I like travel very much. because I think it is a very i...
  • 05-192015
    线话英语整理以下关于“在哪儿”常用口语。相信伙伴们爱看《爸爸去哪儿》,有木有很羡慕他们那流利的英语口语呢?其实,你也可以拥有。只要你在平时用心转换,爱听听,说说英语,改变在哪儿呢?就在不远的前方,遇见最美的自己。 46. What are these? 这些是什么? ...
  • 05-192015
    线话英语整理以下辨别物品常用口语供伙伴们查阅。还记得益达广告语,“不,是你的益达”我们天天听,天天感受,渐渐的我们也成了益达口香糖的传播人。这句广告语,查阅了以上英语词汇,您会用英文来宣传吗?更或者您直接用英文来宣传你自己,“不,是我的英语”。 31. What&r...
  • 05-192015
    线话英语整理出的以上课堂常用语供大家查阅,建议伙伴们在上课打瞌睡时,默默的将老师的常用口语转换英语,可以集中您的注意力,同时也让头脑运动起来,赶走瞌睡虫,有效又复习到了东西,何乐而不为呢? 16. Come in,please. 请进! 17. Sit down. 坐下! 18. Stand up...
  • 05-192015
    线话英语整理出的这些问候语是我们每天实用频率比较高的词汇。在日常生活中,我们经常有意识的中英文相互转换,不但锻炼了您的口语,同时也让您更礼貌,更自信。 1. Hello.你好! 2. Good morning.早晨好! 3. I’m John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。 4. Are you Bi...
  • 05-182015
    单品咖啡类 Single Origins Coffee 摩卡咖啡 Mocha Coffee 蓝山风味咖啡 Blue MountainCoffee 曼特宁Mandeling 哥伦比亚 Colombia 巴西Brazilian Santos 星巴克咖啡类 Starbucks Coffee 肯亚 Kenya coffee 苏拉威西Sulawesi coffee ...
  • 05-182015
    在职场面试中,一般流行一种说法“前三分钟定终身”。如何让自己在这三分钟脱颖而出,不但需要我们着装,礼仪的搭配,同时也需要我们让对方印象深刻的开场白。开场白必须简练,逻辑缜密,且重点突出。而英文的开场白基本句型有: 1) May I come in? 我可以进来吗? 2) How are...