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【英语口语】三一口语四级话题二 SAMPLE TOPIC: Buying things and go to the shop

线话英语|2012-03-05 10:57:32

    由线话英语提供  www.linewow.com


  1.How often do you go shopping?


  ①I often go shopping once a week, but I go together with my mother or friends and buy all kinds of daily things, such as washing things, clothes, yoghurt and so on.

  ②I usually do the shopping two or three times a week, because my home is near the shop, I will go there at all times when I need. I am a girl who don't often meat, so I often go to buy fresh fruits or vegetables.

  ③I do not go to shops or supermarkets, because I am very busy, my mother or father helps me to buy the things that I need.

  2.Where do you usually do the shopping?


  ①I usually do the shopping in some retail stores, for some things in those shops are much cheaper than those in big supermarkets, and some salesmen or saleswomen are very, very friendly.

  ②I like doing my shopping in supermarkets or departments, because in my opinion, the kinds of the things there are the most, and the variety of the things is very complete.

  ③Frankly speaking,at times I go to do my shop with my friends in all kinds of stores or shops, containing different variety of the things that I need.

  3、Do you always look for the lowest(cheapest)t price when you shop? Why?


  ①I like bargains very much because I am still a student and I don’t have much money. I want to save every penny. A penny saved is a penny earned, you know.

  ②I don’t like bargains because most bargains are of poor quality. “The cheap are not good”, as the Chinese saying goes.

  4.Are there any other English words for the man or woman who sells things in a shop?


  ①Yes. Some people call them “sales assistant”. In a common shop, there are many department managers and in department sale, of course there is a sales-manager, so they are called as “sales assistant”.

  ②Yes. Sometimes those people are called by others as a clerk, I think this saying is not much. This saying is according to expert in sales.

  ③Yes. Ordinarily speaking, people regard the man or woman who sells things in a shop or store as a salesman or saleswoman. In Chinese, they just are “ 销售人员”。

  5.What do you know something about shopping in other countries?


  ①I know a little. But the knowledge comes from television, in television, we can see some people buy things in some famous shops or stores what they like.

  ②I know something about shopping in other countries, in a certain way, like China, they also buy things in big supermarkets, including a great variety of things.

  ③I know something about this. I think, in other countries, in their shops or stores there are things in amount and variety more than in China. So if people need something, they can go to buy anytime and anywhere. Also there are many 24-hour convenience shops or stores.


下一篇:三一口语四级样题一 SAMPLE TOPIC: Holiday


由英语口语教材提供  线话英语:www.linewow.com