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线话英语|2011-06-01 10:56:44


The invention of fireworks quickly leads to gunpowder in this lively DreamWorks sequel, and then to a secret weapon that threatens the hero with irrelevance, or worse. 'How can kung fu stop something that stops kung fu?' asks Po plaintively. He's the borderline-obese panda turned Dragon Warrior in the first episode, and he's got his paws full once again as an evil peacock tries to take over China. No need to worry about him, though, and no need to wonder why 'Kung Fu Panda 2,' the directorial debut of Jennifer Yuh Nelson, is so consistently entertaining. The movie's not-so-secret weapon is graphic design. Warner Bros. Pictures《功夫熊猫2》中的熊猫阿宝在梦工厂(DreamWorks)制作的这部生动的续集电影中,烟花爆竹迅速变成了火药,然后成了一件可能消解英雄之意义、甚至更加严重的秘密武器。阿宝悲哀地问:“功夫怎样才能阻止某种阻止功夫的东西?”他就是第一部里面那个由熊猫变来的胖乎乎的“神龙大侠”。在一只邪恶的孔雀想占领中国的时候,阿宝再次蓄势待发。但不需要为他担心,也不需要问尼尔森(Jennifer Yuh Nelson)的导演处女作《功夫熊猫2》(Kung Fu Panda 2)为什么自始至终都这么有趣。该片公开的秘密武器就是它的画面。

Hardly a scene goes by that isn't visually striking or kinetically thrilling, and all of it enhanced by 3-D. The most spectacular set piece is what amounts to a chariot race through the alleys of a medieval city, but the costumes and landscapes are sumptuous too, and hooray for the idea that when orphaned Po dreams of finding his parents, he does so in 2-D. The script could do with more dimensions; there's a surfeit of therapy-based stuff about lost love, self-esteem and letting go of the past. Whenever the film lets go with an action sequence, though, it's time to be grateful for computer animation, and to keep both eyes peeled for incoming cannonballs.
电影《功夫熊猫2》片段,配音演员阵容包括杰克·布莱克(Jack Black)和安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)。基本上没有哪个场景不给人强烈的视觉冲击或没有惊心动魄的动作元素,而这一切又因为3D技术的采用而更加精彩。最壮观的场景莫过于一座中世纪城市的街道上上演的战车追逐戏。服装和布景同样奢华无比。孤儿阿宝在想象找到自己父母时,画面变为2D,这种设计令人叫绝。其实剧本少一些2D画面也是可以的,因为里面有关失去亲人、自尊和忘记过去的伤感内容太多了。不过每当片中出现动作镜头时,你就该感谢电脑动画技术,然后睁大双眼看那些扑面而来的炮弹。


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