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线话英语|2014-04-23 11:21:21
       Like climbing a mountain to bring alpenstocks, reading English original physical books, you have to prepare a dictionary. As the saying goes: "to do good work, must first sharpen his tools." Choose the wrong dictionary, reading harvest will be greatly reduced. That dictionary, electronic dictionary, many students may think first of all is to include the dozen dictionary entity content. Some students may think, electronicdictionary and word quickly, help to improve the reading speed. But given the Englishpolysemy and phrase many features, I would rather choose Oxford or Longman thatentity Learner 's Dictionary. If a sense of the verb to lie consulting, a page that I mightin varus a second to the lie, and according to the original context comparison afterseveral senses a specific interpretation of the localization of lie. The use of electronic dictionaries may be less convenient, because the screen is very small, the displayitems Co., and turn the page and time-consuming, often forget to read back in front,to determine the specific interpretation of the difficulty. Therefore, the electronic dictionary as easy to carry, is more suitable for everyone in the future work, in the process of English learning is to rely on the dictionary entity. Among the many entitydictionary, recommend the preferred Oxford or Longman English English dictionary,by reading the words English interpretation can consolidate the basic vocabulary. If temporarily unable to adapt to the English English dictionary, can choose a English-Chinese as transition. If the words in the book to do notes, remember to use Englishinstead of chinese.
       正如爬山时要带上登山杖,阅读英文原著实体书时,大家手头要准备一本词典。俗话说:“工欲善其事,必先利其器。”词典选不对,阅读的收获就会大打折扣。提到词典,很多同学可能首先想到的就是囊括十几本实体词典内容的电子词典。有的同学可能会觉得,电子词典查词快,有助于提高阅读速度。但是鉴于英文一词多义以及词组众多的特点,我宁愿选择牛津或朗文那样的实体     Learner’s Dictionary。如果查阅lie这个动词的某个义项,我可能会在一秒钟之内翻到lie所在的那一页,并根据原文语境比较几个义项之后定位lie的某个具体释义。使用电子词典可能就不那么方便了,由于屏幕很小,所显示义项有限,而翻页又十分耗时,往往看了后面忘了前面,加大了确定具体释义的难度。所以说,电子词典由于携带方便,更适合大家今后工作时使用,在英语学习过程中还是要依靠实体词典。在众多实体词典中,建议大家首选牛津或朗文的英英词典,通过阅读生词的英文释义还能不断巩固基础词汇。如果一时无法适应英英词典,可以选一本英汉双解作为过渡。要是在书里给生词做注释,记住尽量用英文而不是汉语。

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