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线话英语|2014-06-27 16:39:03
American scam:

    "America scam" is "happy clouds behind the line," director David · O · Russell directed a movie by Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner and Jennifer Lawrence starred in the movie.


    Movie tells the story of deception guru Christian Bale plays Alvin and partner Xi Deni some reason, Xi Deni was arrested jail, Alvin found Ricky, Ricky Alvin promised to save his partner, but Mayor of Camden with the requirements 艾文利 Kamel more because as bait to catch the corrupt officials, Alvin of such a move is likely to disturb his wife Rosalind, makes the whole operation fails, the film attacked eighties USA corrupt political situation unbearable, December 18, 2013 North American release, China scheduled for March 14, 2014 release, but later changed to July 4 release.


American scam classic lines:


1.I want you to see something, Rembrandt painting, people around the world should enjoy this painting here .
   This is very good, is not it? 
   This is false .
   What did you say? It is impossible.


2.people always want to believe what they believe.


3. because the person skilled counterfeiters, so everyone looks like the real thing, who is the master of it? , The artist who is fake.


4 in my younger days. I know a man what to do.


5 No matter how hard I tried, but it always seems to return to the starting point.


6 Cheers for the new era.


7.You can not just take the money right from the phone booth. 
  Direct steal, I was kind of better than you.


8 You can fool yourself long, long time, but when you leave again, your best down to earth.
9.we dream, we strive to never give up, never back down.

American scam Description:
    Savvy scam artists Alvin (Christian Bale ornaments) and his mistress Sidney (Amy Adams ornaments) is a partner of the drawbacks of occupational fraud, accidentally stumbled on a fishing trip in the police action, Sidney jail, in exchange, they must cooperate with the FBI agents were knowingly violate Ridge (Bradley Cooper ornaments), set up by the fraud bureau to catch more corrupt government officials.

    精明的诈骗高手艾文(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 饰)和情 妇西德尼(艾米·亚当斯 饰)是一对无往不利的职业诈骗搭档,不慎在警方的一次钓鱼行动中栽了跟头,西德尼被捕入狱,作为交换条件,他们必须与知法犯法的FBI干员里奇(布莱德利·库珀 饰)合作,通过诈骗设局钓出更多贪污腐败的政府官员。

    The first object is locked Ridge New 泽西卡姆登 City Mayor Cameron because (Jeremy Renner ornaments). Cameron because they got into the small cabinet in an attempt to correct a bribe in one fell swoop corrupt officials. But Alvin irregular card decency wife Rosalind (Jennifer Lawrence ornaments) but like a time bomb-like, the whole fishing action is likely to be destroyed, but it might be the last straw to save Alvin!

    里奇锁定的第一个对象就是新泽西卡姆登市的市长卡麦因(杰瑞米·雷纳 饰)。他们混进了卡麦因的小内阁,企图一举纠出收贿的贪官污吏。但艾文不按理出牌的正派妻子罗瑟琳(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 饰)却像个不定时炸弹般,极可能令整个钓鱼行动毁于一旦,但也可能是拯救艾文的最后一根稻草!
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