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英语口语表达之 “鼻屎”是什么呢?

线话英语|2015-05-05 13:47:55

what's a booger? 



Hey, get your finger outta there! Instead of picking them out, let's learn about those little blobs. Yeah, we're talking about boogers.


To understand what boogers are, you need to know about mucus. Mucus is the sticky, slimy stuff that's made inside your nose. You may have another name for nose mucus: snot. Your nose and sinuses make about 1 liter of snot every day.


Mucus has a pretty important job — it protects the lungs. When you breathe in air through your nose, it contains lots of tiny things, like dust, dirt,英语培训, germs, and pollen. If these made it all the way to the lungs, the lungs could get infected, making it tough to breathe. Luckily, snot helps trap this stuff, keeping it in the nose and out of the lungs.



After this stuff gets stuck inside the nose, the mucus surrounds it and some of the tiny hairs inside the nose called cilia. When the mucus, dirt and other debris dry and clump together,英语培训, you're left with a booger.


Boogers can be squishy and slimy or tough. Everybody gets them, so they're not a big deal. In fact, boogers are a sign that your nose is working the way it should!



鼻屎:booger 鼻子:nose   鼻涕:mucussnot


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