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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:14:01


Wish me luck! 祝我好运吧!
You can't live off your parents your whole life. 你不能一辈子都靠父母。
I can't believe what I'm hearing here. 我简直不敢信赖自己的耳朵。
Was he doing it again? 他又这样做了吗?
Serious? 真的吗?/ 重大吗?(在英语实用口语8000句中使用的频率绝对高)
That's not why we bought the ticket。那并不是咱们买票的起因。
Are you still talking about football? 你们还在念叨足球吗?
She has issues. 她有点见解。
Why are you here?你怎么会在这里?/ 你来这里干什么?
She is pregnant. 她怀孕了。
There's some(kind of)misunderstanding between them. 他们之间有曲解。
I've already seen this one! (看电视时)这集我看过了。
Are you through with that? 你完事了吗?
Whose little ball of paper is this?! 这是谁的纸团?
Let me fluff the pillow. 让我把枕头拍松一下。
You're scaring me. 你吓到我了。






You're like all chaotic and twirly. 你看起来很张皇。/ 你慌慌张张的。
He can do no wrong. 他不可能犯错。
Has anybody seen my engagement ring? 有人看到我的订婚戒指吗?
Don't touch that. 不要碰它。
You stomped on my heart in front of my (entire) family! 你让我在全家人面前出丑!
We will find it. 我们会找到它的。
Don't be mad. 不要生气。
I can't do it. 我办不到。
You might be where he is right about now if you keep doing this。
They wanted me to be involved. 他们想我加入。
What's that curry taste? 怎么会有咖喱味?
Why is he going to call me? 他怎么会要给我电话?





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