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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:24:28


不想孤独咀嚼美食、又担忧饭后掏钱买单的吃货们,这些年兜兜转转你们还没找到陪你吃又毫不让你多掏一分钱的小错误吗?发现了“AA制”的荷兰小过错们,碰到这种情形,必定会将荷兰式买单“go Dutch”进行到底,绝不让你白费一个铜板!由于他们推行的付款方法是——各付各的!这可不是平分账单哦!日常口语练习人家是本人吃了多少就掏多少,精打细算的节奏,你行吗?

If two or more Dutch people go to a restaurant, it is kind of unusual that one person pays for the rest. Most of the time, they “go Dutch”, meaning that each person pays for what they ordered. They don’t even divide the full amount in equal parts. That would be unfair as one person might spend fifty euros on top of the value they ate/drank for. Therefore summing up the total cost of each person is necessary in order to discern what the precise amount each person should pay. It wouldn’t be that strange to even hear the tapping of calculators on the table.

在外面吃饭go Dutch,去荷兰人家中做客总该有吃有喝不必愁吧?有心蹭饭的童鞋们千万别打错了主张!荷兰人通常不会约你在饭点儿来家做客,即使开饭也要等你走了当前,看待赖着不走的客人,人家会直率地告知你没筹备你的饭…… 这种待客之道, 让良多别国的小搭档们切实不能忍。下面笑话就是讥笑荷兰人有多“抠门”的:


One day, I was in Belgium on a school trip. We stood there in a queue and next to me stood a Belgian man, who had probably heard our accents and understood that we’re Dutch. He looked at me and asked me a question.

“Why do the Dutch have such enormous nostrils?”

“I don’t know sir, but I do not think they’re significantly larger than any other’s,” I said.

But before I could finish my sentence, the guy said with a huge smile: “Air is free!”

日常口语练习:英文里说吝啬鬼”,可能用tightwad,miser,还有skinflint来表现。别的,英文里形容人抠门还可能说:stingy 或者 penny-pinching。例如:Don't be so stingy with the sugar.(别那么舍不得放糖。)


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