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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:25:21



  Richard: Two weeks. I said I could do it in two weeks, and I did it.


  Marilyn: The pictures you've taken are fabulous, Richard. Mr. Carlson will love them.

  Richard: Monday morning. I'm going to show him the photos on Monday morning. I can't wait!

  Marilyn: I'm very proud of you. You really did a beautiful job. I know he will love the new photographs for your book.

  Richard: Yeah. I really did do a good job, didn't I? Hey, you know? There's still some film left on this roll, and there's one person I haven't photographed in a long time.


  Marilyn: Who?

  Richard: You. [He starts to photograph her.]

  Marilyn: Richard! I haven't brushedmy hair. [She runs away from him.]

  Richard: You look great! [He runs after her and continues to take pictures of her.]

  Marilyn: It's not fair, Richard. I'm not even ready.

  Richard: Oh, that's wonderful! That's wonderful!


  1. I said I could do it in two weeks, and I did it.




  I said I could do it. : 我说过我能实现。这是一句间接引语。在间接引语中,被引用的部分应与前面的时态一致。

  2. The pictures you've taken are fabulous.


  fabulous: 杰出的,极好的。

  3. I'm very proud of you. You really did a beautiful job. I know he will love the new photographs for your book.


  be proud of sb.: 为某人感到骄傲。

  4. I really did do a good job, didn't I ?



  did do a good job: did在句中起加强语气的作用,应重读。job指某一件“活儿”,前面的形容词可能变革,英语六级资料如:do a bad job/do a perfect job/do a careless job等。形容词不表现工作本身的性质,而是表示这件活儿实现的品德如何。

  5. There's still some film left on this roll, and there's one person I haven't photographed in a long time.



  film: 这里指胶卷。roll: 卷。

  6. I haven't brushed my hair.


  brush one’s hair: 梳头。

  7. It's not fair.

  这样不公平。这里 Marilyn 的意思是“你没有考虑我的意愿”。她没有顺便打扮过,不愿意Richard给她拍照。

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