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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:25:34



  Susan想请自己的老板John Marchetta帮忙,为Grandpa找点事做。她叫来了自己的助手Sam“商量”这个主张是否可行。美式英语口语 练习:

  Susan: Sam, would you come in, please?

  Sam: You sound like something's bothering you, Susan. The sketches for the cover of the new doll book?



  Susan: That's not it. Please sit down.

  Sam: Sure.



  Susan: I need your advice on a personal matter, but it's not about me.



  Sam: You need my advice on a personal matter, and it's not about you. OK.



  Susan: It's about my grandfather.

  Sam: What's the problem?

  Susan: It won't sound like a big deal, but it is. I had dinner with him Saturday, and he's very unhappy about not working.

  Sam: I thought he was retired and pleased to be living with the family.

  Susan: He is, but there's so much energy and talent in the man, and he doesn't get to use it.

  Sam: But what can I do? What kind of advice are you looking for?

  Susan: Simply this. John Marchetta runs this company.

  Sam: He founded this company.



  Susan: Right. John Marchetta gave me my start here six years ago, when I first graduated from college. He gave me the chance to use my talents and made me feel more confident.

  Sam: Right. Maybe he can do the same thing for your grandfather.



  Susan: Or at least give him some advice.



  Sam: Right. Then I’ve solved you problem.

  Susan: I can always depend on you, Sam.

  Sam: I'm glad to help. Shall I call Mr. Marchetta for you?



  Susan: No, no. I'll do that. Thanks.


  1. You sound like something's bothering you.



  听起来仿佛有什么事使你心烦。这是一种关心别人,询问别人怎么了、是不是有麻烦了的说法。bother: 使烦恼,打扰。



  2. I need your advice on a personal matter, but it's not about me.

  我有一件私事需要听你的见解,可并不是对我自己的。Susan的话有些名义上的抵牾,这显然让Sam有点摸不着头脑,所以他说“You need my advice on a personal matter, and it's not about you.”这里Sam 重复了Susan的话。反复别人的话是确认对方用意的一种方式。

  a personal matter: 个人的事件,私事。

  3. It won't sound like a big deal, but it is.






  sound like: 听起来似乎…

  a big deal: 指的是something very important(很主要的事情)。



  4. I had dinner with him Saturday, and he's very unhappy about not working.






  I had dinner with him Saturday: 正式的说法应当在Saturday前面加上一个on。然而在美国英语中,这个on常被省略。

  be unhappy about: 因为……而不高兴。



  5. Simply this.


  6. He gave me the chance to use my talents and made me feel more confident.






  give sb. the chance to do sth.: 给某人机会做某事。



  made me feel more confident: 使我更有信心。 make sb. do sth.是make加不带to的不定式作宾补,其余类似的动词还有feel, let, see, watch, have等。



  7. Then I’ve solved you problem.


  solve the problem: 解决问题。这是个常用的搭配。

  8. I can always depend on you.




  depend on: 依靠;信任。也可写作 “depend upon”。



  9. Shall I call Mr. Marchetta for you?

  要不要我给Mr. Marchetta打电话?

  表示自动为某人做某事时,如果主语是I或we时,个别用shall,美式英语口语例如: “Shall I/we wait for you?”。主语是you时则用would,例如: “Would you like me to help you?”。






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