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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:26:10



Abigail: Hello, I'm Abigail and I'm in a shoe shop, with Li, and we're doing some shoe shopping.

Li: Yes 没错咱们俩就在一家鞋店里 shoe shop 我始终想买双活动鞋。你看这双怎么样?These are OK.

Abigail: Well, we're not really supposed to be looking for your trainers, Li. We're here because we have an interesting and amusing phrase, which our listeners might like to learn.

Li: 我晓得你想通过情景对话来教养一个新词语。But while we're here, I can look at trainers!

Abigail: Well, I suppose you can look at some trainers. But let's not forget why we're here.

Li: ... (long pause)

Abigail: Li? Why we're here?

Li: Yes of course 英语短语。Ha! Look that lady has really funny hair! 你看阿谁女的头发真有意思。

Abigail: Li, you're being really childish today. But that's useful because I can use our phrase for today - act your age not your shoe size.

Li: Act your age, not your shoe size. 依照你的年纪做事,不要按你的鞋号做事。How shall we explain what it means, Abigail?

Abigail: Well, I think you've explained it beautifully already Li, through everything you've said and done. But here are some more clues to what it means:

I was really upset. She just told me to act my age not my shoe size!
These people are so childish. They need to act their age not their shoe size.
(Laughing in background)
Will you please act your age not your shoe size?!
Li: 假如你的举措举止像个孩子,不成熟,别人就会对你说 'act your age, not your shoe size'.(注意,日常英语对话短文中的核心单词出现呀)

Abigail: Hmm... yes they can.

Li: 不外我的鞋号是 37。My shoe size is 37. My age is 30. So I have to act seven years younger?? 我的举止要更年青点儿对吧?

Abigail: Ah yes, well, 37 - that's a Chinese size. This saying, 'act your age not your shoe size' only works for British and American sizes.

Li: 当然了,英国跟美国的鞋号比中国的鞋号标码要小。The numbers are smaller.

Abigail: Yes, so for example in UK sizes, I think your feet are size 4.

Li: 按照英国鞋号我应当穿 4号。不过我谈话,做事不应该像四岁的小孩子一样。I shouldn't act like I'm four.

Abigail: Exactly!

Li: 兴许咱们应该把这个短语改成 'act your Chinese shoe size=, not your British shoe size'. 那样就更正确了,你说呢?What do you think?

Abigail: Err, yeah, we could... It's not quite as catchy


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