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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:32:33


  I give up。



  Let's play another game. (咱们再玩另一个游戏吧。)



  You're too good for me. I give up. (你也玩得太好了,我不玩了。)



  I fold. *用于玩扑克时。

  I raise you $20. ([玩牌时的赌博]再加20美元。)



  I fold. (我不玩了。)



  I give in。




  I can't help it. *当带有can时,help表示“避开”、“抑制”、“操纵”,所以I can't help it 表示“不得不这样做”、“无奈躲避”。

  You should stop smoking. (你该戒烟了。)



  I can't help it. (戒不了啊。)

  There's nothing I can do about it。


  Not a chance! *用于没有可能性时。



  Would you lend me ¥5,000? (你能借给我5000日元吗?))



  Not a chance! (没戏。)

  No chance at all。



  Fat chance。



  No way. (基础不可能。) *否定语气,无比强烈,是不礼貌的说法的英语口语训练材料讲解。


  That's the way it goes。

  The game is canceled because of the rain. (因为下雨所以比赛取消了。)

  That's the way it goes. (没办法呀。)






  I have no clue. *clue 表示“线索”、“脉络”。

  Do you know who stole it? (你晓得是谁偷的吗?)

  I have no clue. (毫无线索。)



  I don't have any idea。



  I don't have a clue。

  I haven't a clue。


  I'm throwing in the towel. *throw in the towel原是拳击用语,日常会话时常用来表示“认输”。



  I'll never win. I'm throwing in the towel. (我赢不了你,我认输了。)



  Don't give up so early. (别那么快就认输。)



  I'm giving up。




  It's hopeless。



  It's hopeless. (没渴望了。)

  Don't give up yet. (别灰心!)

  It's impossible。




  Better than nothing. *句子开头的It's被省略。

  I only have five dollars. (我只有5美元。)



  Well, it's better than nothing. (可总比不强吧。)




  It was fate. *fate “英语口语训练材料讲述为逃脱不了的命运,注定的福气”。

  How did you meet? (你们怎么意识的?)

  It was fate. (这就是运气呀!)

  It was meant to be。



  It's my destiny。






  It's history. *表现“已经没有了”、“是从前的事了”。



  I thought you loved him. (我想你很爱他。)



  We broke up. It's history. (我们分辨了,所有都成为过去了。)

  It's all over。

  It's in the past。

  It's done with。




  It beats me。

  What's the answer? (答案是什么?)

  It beats me. (不知道。)

  I have no idea。

  I don't know。



  12. 除此之外我别无取舍。



  I have no other choice but to do so。

  Why are you doing it? (你为什么做这样的事呢?)



  I have no other choice but to do so. (除此之外我别无决定。)

  I have no other choice. (我没有别的筛选。)



  It's my only choice。



  I have to. (我不得不做。)




  I no longer feel devoted to this company. *devote 表示“把(努力、金钱、时间等)贡献、花费在(工作、目的上)”。

  I no longer feel attached to this company. (我已经觉得不到这个公司的对我的引吸力。)



  I don't feel loyal to this company any longer. (我再也不会对这个公司赤胆忠心的了。)






  That figures。

  We have to work overtime again. (咱们还得再加班。)

  That figures. (果不其然。)

  That makes sense。



  No wonder. (难能可贵。)



  That explains it。



  That's why. (怪不得。)


  It is just as I imagined。

  What do you think? (你认为如何?)

  It is just as I imagined. (正如我所想像的那样。)

  It's just like I dreamed。

  It's exactly the way I thought it would be。



  16. 瞧,我早跟你说过吧!

  See, didn't I tell you so?



  I shouldn't have done that. (我真不该做那事。)

  See, didn't I tell you so? (瞧,我不早告诉你了吗?)



  See, I told you!

  I told you, didn't I?



  See, I'm right. (瞧,我是对的吧。)



  You should have listened to me. (你早该听我的。)




  Good for you。



  I lost. (我输了。)



  Good for you. (这是当然的。)





  Serves you right. *serve…right 短语,表示“当然的报应”。

  I got a speeding ticket. (我超速挨罚了。)



  Serves you right. (活该!)

  Well, you got what you deserved。



  Well, that'll teach you a lesson。

  That serves you right。



  You deserve it。

  You asked for it。



  You were asking for it。



  You got what was coming to you。




  You never know。



  I'll never win the lottery. (我断定中不了奖。)

  You never know. (很难说。)

  Anything could happen. (什么事都可能发生。)



  You can't be too sure. (什么事都可能产生。)


  No wonder。

  She's tired. (她累了。)

  No wonder. (这不足为奇。)



  That makes sense. *make sense “合乎情理”、“理所当然”。



  It makes sense。



  Ah, I get it. (啊,知道。)




  That's why…

  She's very busy. (她非常忙。)



  That's why she's so tired. (难怪她会很累。)



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