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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:33:10

  Larry准备加入马拉松比赛,李华在帮他进行赛前训练。他们在英语情景口语对话会用到两个常用语:on the dot跟get a taste of one's own medicine。



  LH: Larry,加油,就剩500米了!冲刺冲刺!

  Larry: (Out of breath) How...did...I do?

  LH: 成就不错,但仍是没进15分钟。 内容来自www.yingyuzhijia.com

  Larry: (Still a bit out of breath) Let me see that watch...Hey, this isn't above 15 minutes...this is 15 minutes on the dot! 内容来自www.yingyuzhijia.com

  LH: Dot? 点点?这个秒表是新的,上面什么都不啊!

  Larry: No, no. The watch is fine. I'm talking about the time. Look...it says 15:00. Exactly fifteen minutes...Fifteen minutes on the dot。

  LH: 哦,on the dot就是“正好”的意思。你是说,你刚才的成绩是正好15分钟。可是Larry,我的意思是,你还是不冲破15分这个关口。这样你下个月参加竞赛时,名次是不会空想的!

  Larry: I know, I know... wait a minute. Next month? I thought I had way more time to prepare than that!(英语情景口语对话注意口语模仿的节奏和连读、略读等单词)



  LH: 啊?你忘啦?距离比赛还有整整一个月,30 days on the dot!

  Larry: Well, at least I'm making progress...fifteen minutes is my best time so far. I think I'm done running for today。



  LH: 好吧,那今天就练到这儿吧。天儿也够热的,今天是35 degrees on the dot,35度呢!



  Larry: Well, when you're running, it feels more like 40 degrees on the dot!



  LH: 不过回家前,你还得做30个仰卧起坐。



  Larry: You sure are a strict coach...how do you know so much about training?



  LH: (得意地)我高中是田径队的,教练特严格,我都是跟他学的!严师出高徒嘛! 本文来自:英语之家

  Larry: Oh really?? (pauses for a moment as if hatching a plan) You know, Li Hua, there's a couple's race as well on race day. I think you and I should be a team!

  LH: 双人跑?我也参加?那可不行,我整整10年没跑步了!10 years on the dot! 本文来自:英语之家

  Larry: Hey, you've been making me run all over this track for the past week; I think it's only fair that you got to taste of your own medicine。



  LH: 什么,taste of my own medicine? 我的药的味道?

  Larry: Actually, you've been working me so hard, but now it's time for you to go through the same ordeal that you had put me through. In other words, you're getting a taste of your own medicine。



  LH: 我明白了,get a taste of my own medicine就是自食苦果。你是说,这多少天我逼你练得那么辛苦,当初你也要让我尝尝同样的滋味。(英语情景口语对话的知识点)本文来自:英语之家

  Larry: Right! Let's start early tomorrow...be here at 7 am on the dot. I can't wait to give you a taste of your own medicine!



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