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英语商务口语培训: 市场部的职能

线话英语|2015-05-08 15:45:35



  in large demand on market

  A: Our sales department claims that the stainless steel ones

  are in large demand on market.

  B: Really? That means we should make adjustment accordingly.

  商务英语口语培训表达接订单 fill the order



  A: Do we have SM57 in stock?



  B: Yes,we always try to keep adequate stock.

  A: Can we fill this order?



  B: No problem.We have enough stock to supply the clients.






  track down an order of last month.



  A: Susan,I wonder if you could track down an order of last month.



  It hasnt arrived yet.

  B: Certainly.Do you have an order number?




  the latest vacuum cleaner

  A: I recommend to you our latest vacuum cleaner this year.



  B: Whats the difference?

  A: It makes less noise compared with the old ones.

  B: And?

  A: The design of the appearance is also the fashion development trend



  in the future.




  How do you like our products?




  A: How do you like our products?



  B: As a matter of fact,



  we shall be obliged if you give us your catalogs,price list,



  sales literature and other details of your business together with samples.



  试销 trial sale



  A: Is this type of vase new?

  B: Yes,it is.



  This is the most fashionable item for this year.

  A: Wed like to order 100 first for a trial sale.

  If it is sells well,we will order more.



  B: Sorry,according to the regulations of our company,



  the minimum order for this item is 200.



  大量订购 place a large order



  A: If you can place your order within this month,

  the present prices are still in effect.

  B: I know,but I have to contact our headquarters first.



  A: Certainly,and you can report that if you place a large order,

  you can enjoy a special discount.



  价格上涨 Prices soared/increased.

  A: Your prices have soared additional 20% over the last year.

  B: The reason is that the price of the raw materials increased.



  A: But at present,the price of this commodity is tending downward

  on the world market.



  B: Well,how about this:

  we will lower our price another 5%,



  that is our bottom price.


  High quality deserves high price.

  A: Your goods are indeed superior in quality

  compared with those of other manufacturers,



  but can you cut the price a little bit?

  B: Oh, Im sorry.High quality deserves high price.

  品格证明书 certificate of quality

  A: As long as the quality is good,

  it hardly matters if the price is a little bit higher.



  B: Dont worry about that.We have a certificate of quality.




  specifications shown in the catalogue



  A: Weve received the specifications as shown in your catalog.

  But the color in the design is not so fashionable in our market.

  A: Thats not a serious problem.



  We can adjust to your requirements.



  销售合同 sales contract

  A: This is the sales contract we draft for this deal,

  you can have a look first.

  B: There seems no article about the terms of payment



  and conditions of payment?



  A: I just want to discuss with you about this.



  Whats your opinion?



  B: Opening the Letter of Credit within 30 days



  after the shipment will be all right.



  分期付款 payment by installment



  A: I was wondering if you could by any chance



  accept the payment by installment.



  B: Whats your specific idea about that?



  A: Actually,our idea is that the payment can be separated

  into two installments.60% of the total will be paid upon delivery.



  And the rest after the final acceptance.

  What do you say?



  B: I think at least 70% of the total should be paid upon delivery.

  A: You can say that again.




  sales performance/achievement

  A: From this month on,

  we will apply the performancerelated pay system.



  B: How about last months sales performance?



  A: That will be calculated in this months pay.



  So you will get a higher salary for your better performance.

  B: Well,this kind of reform also can bring more profit to our company.



  销售指标 sales quota

  A: What is your requirement to agencies?



  B: You must fulfill the sales quota of 100 sets per month.



  A: If so,how much can we get as the commission?

  B: You will get a 10% commission on every machine you sell.



  目标客户 target/potential customer



  A: How do you define your target customer?



  B: We designed a questionnaire to do the research.



  A: Whats the consumers response?

  B: Almost all the young people have the great interest in our product.

  售后服务 aftersale service



  A: Your product is nice,



  but will the price be on the high side?



  B: Our price is absolutely competitive.



  You can compare that with the other dealers.

  A: Then,how about the aftersale service?

  B: Dont worry about that,

  our company has sound aftersale service.



  调换 replace



  A: If there is something wrong with the product after your purchase,

  you can get it repalced within 7 days.

  We also offer you the aftersale repair service within a year.



  A: Will it be repaired free of charge?

  B: Yes,but we will charge you after one year.



  销售单据 sales receipts/invoice



  A: What are the sales documents I need to present to you

  when I come to get it repaired?

  B: Invoice is a must.

  Youd better bring the guarantee certificate together with it as well.

  销售技巧 selling skills

  A: How do you strengthen the sales personsquality in the training?



  B: I always give them lectures on marketing.

  A: Whats the specific content of those lectures?

  B: Mostly I attract their attention to the selling skills

  they must have as a salesperson.

  洽购商 / 供应商 buyer / supplier



  A: I find it more efficient for a buyer

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