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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:47:40




1. Not playing with a full deck 失魂落魄、神志不清
Deck这里指的是一副扑克牌,所以not playing with a full deck从字面阐明就是在打一副缺牌的扑克。你想一副缺牌的扑克打得成牌吗? 练习英语口语当然不成,这就跟缺心眼的人办不成事儿一样。当然,not playing with a full deck这个习惯用语是用作比喻意思的,表示不是处于完好无缺的状态。
例句-1:Have you noticed that old man who sits on a park bench all day talking to himself? I overheard him today and he's just talking nonsense. I'm afraid the poor guy isn't playing with a full deck.

2. Not having both oars in the water 举止笨拙、头脑不平衡
Oar是划船的桨。大多数非机动船都需要在水里划动双桨来推进。假如划船的人没把双桨都放下水中一齐划动,只有一把桨下水地乱划一气,那只船就会在原地团团转,进退不得,可见这个划船人有多愚笨。当然not having both oars in the water这个练习英语口语习惯用语当初不仅是用来说笨拙的划船人,它的应用范围扩大了。
练习英语口语例句-2:Professor Blank is so absent-minded you think he doesn't have both oars in the water. But when you go to his class and listen to his lecture, you know why everybody says he's a genius in his field.



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