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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:48:37


May: Gucci, do you have time this Sunday? I want to drive to the countryside nearby. 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

Gucci: Oh, you can drive? Of course I'll go with you. When did you learn how to drive? 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

May: Just a month ago. I got my driver's license. Here it is.



Gucci: Super. Did you learn how to drive in a driving school?



May: Yes. And I stayed in the dormitory at the driving school for a whole month.



Gucci: That must be very interesting. Tell me about the life in the driving school.



May: We got up at 6 o'clock every morning, did morning exercise. 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

Gucci: It's like in a military school. How was the meal then? Did you have 3 meals all at the school?

May: No, they only offered lunch. We went out for breakfast and supper by ourselves.

Gucci: How many hours did you have for learning everyday? 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

May: Six hours a day. We learned the laws and regulations all day long at the beginning. 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

Gucci: That must have been very boring. 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

May: Yeah, sometimes I really wanted to quit. But fortunately that's only for the first week of the program. We have practice driving classes for the rest of the program.



Gucci: Were your instructors strict with you? Have you ever been yelled at? 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

May: Yeah, they were very strict. After all, it is a serious thing, concerning one's life and safety. I was yelled at several times and I cried. But I think it's for my benefits.

Gucci: May, I can't wait to see you drive. Is anyone else going with us this Sunday?



May: Yes, my classmates in training school. We've become very good friends after a month of learning in the driving school.




阿美: 古奇,这个星期天你有空吗?我想开车去附近的郊区。



古奇: 哦,你会开车吗?我当然跟你一起去。你什么时候学的开车?



阿美: 一个月以前。我拿到了驾照,看! 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

古奇: 棒极了。你是在驾校学的开车吗?

阿美: 嗯,我在驾校的宿舍里住了一个月。



古奇: 确定很有趣。说说你在驾校的生活吧。



阿美: 我们天天早上6点起床,做早操。



古奇: 仿佛是在军校。他们的伙食怎么样?你们三餐都在学校吃吗?



阿美: 不,他们只供应午餐。我们自己出去吃早餐跟晚餐。



古奇: 你每天学习多长时间?



阿美: 一天6个小时。开始时,咱们终日都在学交通法规。

古奇: 断定很枯燥吧。



阿美: 嗯,有的时候我真想放弃,但幸运的是只有第一周是这样。我们后来就上实际驾驶课了。



古奇: 教练对你很严吗?你被骂了吗?



阿美: 嗯,他们非常严格。毕竟,这是一件很严肃的事件,关系到一个人的生命跟安全。我被骂了几次,我都哭了。然而我想这对我是有好处的。

古奇: 阿美,我急不可待想看你开车了。这周日还有别人跟我们一起去吗?

阿美: 嗯,还有我在驾校时的同学。在驾校奇特学习一个月后,咱们都成了挚友人。



经典背诵 Recitation 

May: After one month of driver's learning, I finally get my driver's license. Going to driving school is very attractive to me. Though the instructors are very strict, and sometimes they even yelled at me, I do think it's for my own good. On Sunday I'll drive to the countryside with all of my classmates in training school and Gucci.




military adj. 军用的



go out 出去

yell at 对……咆哮



concern vt. 波及

情景练习 Scene practice




1.If you were May, you want to borrow your roommate's book. Ask her for permission.



2.If you were Shirley, you want to change your holiday from next week to the week after. What would you say to your boss?



3.If you were Jane, you want to leave the office for a couple of minutes to make a phone call. What would you say to the chief of the office?



4.If you were May, you want to open a window. What would you say to your roommate?



5.If you were Benjamin, you want to buy a bottle of wine. What would you say to get Shirley's permission? 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com




由英语口语教材提供  线话英语:www.linewow.com