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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:48:55


May: Dad, I want to learn how to drive this summer vacation.

Dad: That's a good idea. You'd better hurry up before they've filled all classes. Many people are learning how to drive now.



May: I will get registered now at once. Do you know any training schools? 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

Dad: I am not sure. You can search for them on the Internet.

May: OK. look, I've typed “driver schools”, and there are so many results coming out. 

Dad: Let me see. BeeTee Tranining School, summer program, 3,000 Yuan, learn how to drive within one month, and get driver's license within three months.

May: 3,000 Yuan is a little bit steep.


Dad: I think so. Let's see the next one: 3,500 Yuan, summer program. Forget it.

May: I've heard that the Ideal Life School is famous. They offer many programs and there are many classes available. The charge is also fair.



Dad: Search on the Internet then, see if we can find something more about it.


May: Ah, got it. Ideal Life School, programs: cooking, gardening, fashion designing, social services, computer…Oh, no, they don't offer driver's programs.

Dad: Don't worry. Let's check out some other schools.


May: Hey, dad, I've found another one. Going Training School, summer program, learn to drive in three months, 2,800 Yuan. 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

Dad: That sounds not bad. Where is it?



May: No. 3 Broadgate Street. It's not far from here.



Dad: Good, we can go there tomorrow and find out more about the summer program.




阿美: 爸爸,我想在这个暑假学学怎么开车。


爸爸: 好主意。在所有班都被报满之前,你最好快点。当初很多人都在学开车。 

阿美: 我当初立即就去报名。你知道有什么培训学校吗? 

爸爸: 我不是很清楚。你可能上网查查。


阿美: 好的。看啊,我输入了“驾校”,而后出来了这么多结果。 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

爸爸: 让我看看,碧体培训学校,暑期项目,3,000元,一个月内学会驾驶,三个月内拿到驾照。


阿美: 3,000元有点贵。



爸爸: 我想是的。看看下一个:3,500元,暑期项目。不看这个了。

阿美: 我据说完美生活培训学校很有名。他们开设很多名目跟课程,收费也很公平。



爸爸: 上网查查,看看能不能找到更多对于它的信息。


阿美: 啊,找到了。完善生涯培训学校,名目包括:烹饪、园艺、时装设计、社会公共服务、盘算机等等。哦,他们不供应驾驶课程。



爸爸: 别着急,咱们再看看别的学校。



阿美: 嗨,爸爸,我找到了另外一个学校。“来训练”驾校,暑期项目,三个月学会开车,2,800元。

爸爸: 听起来还不错,它在哪儿? 

阿美: 大道街3号,离这儿不远。



爸爸: 好的,咱们明天将来能够去那里多理解一下暑期项目。


经典背诵 Recitation



May: This summer vacation I want to learn how to drive. After googling “driver schools” on the Internet, I find millions of results. Some schools' charge was too high, but Ideal Life School wasn't. It is a well-known training school, but unfortunately, they don't offer a driver's program. Going Training School is good. I think I'll check it out.





come out 浮现

steep adj. (价格、收费等)过高的,过分昂贵的


driver's license 驾驶执照

gardening n. 园艺

fashion designing 古装设计 

词汇扩展Vocabulary Builder




accounting 会计

animation 动画制作



business 商业


computer 打算机

fine art 美术 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

management 管理 




electronics 电子

graphic design 图片设计 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

insurance 保险 

journalism 新闻

nursing 护理 

social service 社会服务


visual art 视觉艺术

家庭总动员 Do it together


They don't offer ( )'s program. 

[例] 家长读 business 商业 

孩子读They don't offer business's program. 他们不供给贸易课程。 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com



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