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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:49:19




  Tom: Have you found the book recommended by Mrs. Li?



  Daniel: 30 Nights on Nightmares? No.



  Tom: Mrs. Li said it was a good self-help book aiming at those who want to refresh their understanding of basic math.

  Daniel: Not conductive to homework or exams?



  Tom: She didn't mention that.

  Daniel: I am looking for some books that have keys to our after-class exercises. What's our homework today, anyway?



  Tom: Re-read Chapter 13 and summarize the main content in a diagram, and finish the exercises in Chapter 13.



  Daniel: I don't understand why we must read it again. I understood everything in class.

  Tom: Mrs. Li says this second reading will help you consolidate what you've learned in class. That's why we must do homework.



  Daniel: But I can't do my homework without answer keys!



  Tom: I think maybe 30 Nights on Math is not bad. Look, it has explanations on every formula in our text book.



  Daniel: Oh, that's good! I have problems with formulas. I will get this book.

  Tom: I have little money left. I believe I have seen some pirated versions of this book. They are much cheaper.

  Daniel: Don't buy the pirated books. There are many mistakes in spelling. What's more, it's just against law to buy them.



  Tom: It's against law? Oh, I didn't know it was that serious! But I don't have enough money for that book.



  Daniel: You can sell your Harry Potter to me for cash.


  汤姆: 你找到李老师推荐的那本书了吗?



  丹尼尔: 《30夜噩梦》?没有。



  汤姆: 李老师说那是一本不错的自学工具书,意在帮助那些想要坚固数学基础的人。

  丹尼尔: 对考试跟家庭作业不引导作用吗?



  汤姆: 她没说。

  丹尼尔: 我在找有我们课后练习答案的书。对了,我们今天的家庭作业是什么?



  汤姆: 复习第13章,用一个表格总结主要内容,并实现第13章的训练。



  丹尼尔: 我不明白为什么必须再读一遍。我在课堂上都听懂了。

  汤姆: 李老师说再次阅读可能帮咱们牢固在课堂中学到的常识。那就是咱们要做家庭功课的起因。



  丹尼尔: 然而我不谜底就做不了家庭作业。



  汤姆: 我觉得《数学30夜》不错。看,里面有对课本中每个公式的阐明。



  丹尼尔: 噢,那还不错。我对公式理解得不好,我要买这本书。



  汤姆: 我没剩下多少钱了。我见过这本书的盗版,它们更便宜一些。

  丹尼尔: 不要买盗版书,里面有很多拼写错误。此外,买盗版书是守法的。



  汤姆: 遵法?噢,我不知道有那么重大。然而我没有足够的钱来买那本书。



  丹尼尔: 你能够把你的《哈利.波特》卖给我,我给你钱。



  经典背诵 Recitation



  Daniel: There is always lots of homework to do, which I hate very much. I think I've understood everything taught in class. But the teacher says a second reading will help us remember the information better. So I now have to choose a book with answers to our after-class exercises.




  aim at 瞄准

  conductive adj. 有指导性的

  diagram n. 图表



  consolidate vt. 强固



  formula n. 公式

  pirated adj. 盗版的

  Functional structure 功能性句型扩展 




  请跟读一下句型,家长跟孩子交替进行 的英语口语场景对话练习

  1. 征求容许

  Do you mind if I …? 你介意我……吗?



  Could/ May/ Can I …? 我可以……吗?

  Is it alright if I …? 我……可以吗?

  I was wondering if I could … 我可以……吗?

  2. 表示允许

  Yes, of course. 当然可以。



  Sure, go ahead. 没问题。



  Certainly, please do. 好的,请便。



  Not at all. 不介意。

  By all means. 请便。

  3. 表现拒绝

  I'm afraid you can't … 恐怕你不能……

  I'm sorry, but … 对不起,可……



  No, please don't. 请不要那样做。



  I'm sorry, but that's not allowed. 对不起,但那是不允许的。


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