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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:49:50


Gucci: I bought this CD of Guns and Roses from a vendor at the subway exit.



May: From a vendor? Then, it must be a pirate copy.



Gucci: It doesn't matter. It cost me only 5 Yuan. Very cheap!

May: Honey, it's still too early to be cheerful. Test the sound quality on your CD player first.



Gucci: Sure. Oh, no!

May: What's the matter? Anything wrong?



Gucci: It's not Guns and Roses. Not even music!

May: Sorry. But it happens all the time. You know, it's a pirate copy.

Gucci: Yeah. I think the vendor is still there. May I return it to get my money back?

May: Don't even try. You can't get that done. Just don't buy any pirate copies any more in the future.



Gucci: Of course not. I feel cheated and it's not so funny.

May: I understand it, honey. I had the same experience before. You know, it takes risks when you buy this illegal cheap stuff. Just forget about it and cheer up.

Gucci: You are right. Anyway, I'd like to get some CDs of Guns and Roses. Will you go with me?



May: Sure. I'd like to get some stuff for myself, too. What's more, I've got a membership card here. With it, we can get a really good price.



Gucci: Really? Then let's go and get some legal copies this time!



May: Great. Here we go.





古奇: 我在地铁出口的一个小贩那里买了这张“枪花”乐队的唱片。



阿美: 从一个小贩那里?那么,这一定是一张盗版碟了。

古奇: 这不关系啊。这只花了我5块钱。非常廉价!

阿美: 可爱的,别愉快得太早了。先在你的CD机上试试音效吧。

古奇: 好的。哦,蹩脚!

阿美: 怎么了?有什么过错吗?



古奇: 这不是“枪花”。连音乐也不是!

阿美: 真遗憾。不外经常是这样的。你晓得,它是盗版嘛。

古奇: 没错。我想那个小贩应该还在那里。我能够去找他退钱吗?

阿美: 你试都不用试的。那是行不通的。当前别再买盗版碟就是了。



古奇: 当然不会了。我感到被骗了,觉得真不好。

阿美: 爱戴的,我明白的。我以前也有过同样的经历。你知道,买这种非法的便宜货本来就有危险。别再想它了,高兴一点啦。



古奇: 你说得对。不过,我还是想买“枪花”的唱片。你陪我一起去好吗?



阿美: 没问题。我也想买一些。而且,我有一张会员卡。我们可能用它有很优惠的价格。

古奇: 是吗?那咱们走吧,这次要买多少张正版唱片!

阿美: 好啊。咱们走吧。



经典背诵高中英语口语训练核心表达 Recitation



Gucci: I bought a pirate CD of Guns and Roses from a vendor at the subway exit today. It was very cheap but it didn't work at all. My best friend May told me that she used to have the same experience as mine. And there was no hope to return it to the vendor to get my money back. I felt cheated, so I made up my mind that I would never buy any illegal cheap stuff any more.






pirate n. 盗版



cheerful adj. 高兴的


Guns and Roses 枪花,著名的摇滚乐队

情景小结 Scene practice


1.If you were May, your friend Gucci wants to buy a pirate copy. What would you say to her?

2.If you were Benjamin, you plan to take Daniel to the zoo tomorrow, but he didn't fell very well today. What would you say to him?

3.If you were Shirley, your son Daniel insists on going to the wild forest with some big boys. What would you say to him?

4.If you were Gucci, your boyfriend just gets hurt from a basketball game. What would you say?



5.If you were Shirley, you have been waiting for the bus for more than half an hour. What would you say?




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