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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:49:57


Gucci: I'm so excited to be here. It's hard to believe that I can see the Twins face to face, and get their signatures. Maybe I will get the chance to have a photograph with them…



May: Calm down, sweety. It's a long queue, and also their signatures are not free. You get them only after you buy their new released CD.

Gucci: Come on, May. It's the time of my life. It's a wonderful thing that they issued their album here with this signature court.

May: You are such a big fan of them. Well, do you know when they started to sing?

Gucci: Sure. Two years ago, they took part in a singing contest, and won the first place. After that, their fans appeared in a rush.

May: What about their singing standard?



Gucci: You've got to the point. They have very sweet voices.



May: Can they do high notes?



Gucci: I think so. But they don't rely on hitting high notes to attract you. The point is their songs can always touch your soul, making you feel pure.



May: Sounds good. Hey, the poster on the wall says that they are going to hold a concert next Friday. Will you be there?

Gucci: Yeah. I've got two tickets. Would you like to join me?



May: I'd love to. But I heard that many pop stars do lip-synch these days. Do you think it's possible they would do this?



Gucci: They won't do that. As far as I am concerned, they are strongly against it.

May: Cool. What about you? Do you think lip-synch should be dealt with seriously?



Gucci: Absolutely! What the audience wants to hear is their real voice. That's what a live show is all about . We don't like the engineered gloss made in a recording studio.



May: I agree with you on that. Much better to sound off sometimes than to lip-synch.

Gucci: Exactly. Well, let's be quiet. Our turn is coming soon.


古奇: 到这里来我真的太愉快了。很难信赖我竟然可以背靠背地看到Twins,还可能得到她们的签名。兴许,我还可以有跟她们合影的机会……



阿美: 冷静一点,爱戴的。队伍那么长,况且她们的签名又不是免费的。你得买了她们发行的新唱片才可以得到的啊。



古奇: 委托,阿美。这可是我人生中的重要时刻。她们来这里开签售会发行新唱片多棒啊。



阿美: 你可真是她们的超级粉丝啊。不外,你知道她们是从什么时候开始唱歌的吗?

古奇: 那当然,两年前,她们加入了一个歌颂竞赛,并且夺得了第一名。在那之后,她们的粉丝数量很快地扩大了。

阿美: 她们的歌唱水平怎么样?

古奇: 你说到点子上了。她们的嗓音非常甜美。



阿美: 她们能唱高音吗?

古奇: 我觉得能够。不过她们不靠高音来吸引你。关键在于她们的歌可以激动你的灵魂,让人感到到污浊。

阿美: 听起来不错。嗨,墙上的海报说下周五她们要举办一场演唱会。你会去听吗?



古奇: 我去,我有两张票呢。你想跟我一起去吗?

阿美: 我很乐意啊。不过我据说当初有很多盛行歌手都假唱。你以为她们有可能也那么做吗?



古奇: 她们不会的。据我所知,她们都很强烈地反对假唱。

阿美: 很酷。你呢?你感到应该严肃地对待假唱事件吗?

古奇: 当然了。观众想听的就是他们的真嗓音啊。这可是现场演出的全部啊。咱们都不会喜好在录音室里面合成的虚伪的东西。 英语之家www,

阿美: 我同意你的观点。即使失声也比假唱强。

古奇: 没错。对了,我们别谈话了吧。快轮到咱们了。

经典背诵 Recitation

Gucci: I'm a big fan of the Twins. Today I went to their signature court. There was a long queue, so it took a little bit of time to get their signatures. But still it was wonderful. I love their songs. They have very sweet voices. They can do high notes, but they don't rely on that to attract you. They are going to hold a concert next Friday. I can't wait to see them again.




signature n. 签名

release vt. 发行

album n. 专辑

rely on 依靠



lip-synch n. 假唱

gloss n. 虚假



词汇扩展 Vocabulary Builder







balladry 民谣

country music 城市音乐



folk music 民间音乐



jazz music 爵士乐



pop music 流行音乐



rock and roll 摇滚乐

soul music 灵魂乐



the blues 布鲁斯音乐




alternative 另类音乐

Brit pop 英伦摇滚

funk music 放克音乐

gospel music 宗教音乐

hip-hop 嘻哈

indie rock 独破摇滚

metal music 金属音乐



pop punk 流行朋克



家庭总动员Do it together


They took part in a ( ) contest.

[例] 家长读pop music 流行音乐

孩子读 They took part in a pop music contest.







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