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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:50:04



May: How is it going with your application for professional schools?



Gucci: I have applied for some vocational schools and have been waiting for their reply.

May: Which majors did you pick?



Gucci: I only applied for fashion design. You know, I have always wanted to be a fashion designer.



May: That is not bad. Studying in a professional school will bring you great prospects. Society is in great need of people with professional skill at present.



Gucci: You are right. I think fashion is just the right choice for me!



May: What course do they offer?



Gucci: They offer courses on visual art, fashion, computer software, etc; all are so attractive for me!

May: Do you have chances to practice in a fashion company?



Gucci: Yes, we will go to many fashion shows, and participate in many designing competitions. Maybe one day I can attend an international competition of fashion design.

May: Right, you can go to Paris and learn from the best fashion designers in the world in the future.

Gucci: That sounds too far. But nothing is impossible for a willing heart! I believe I can make it.

May: I really hope that one day I can buy clothes designed by you in the fashion store.

Gucci: You can be my model, wearing the clothes I designed and attend the fashion competition.



May: That's great! You are not kidding, are you?



Gucci: Of course not! I am going to design your wedding dress!






阿美: 你申请的职业学校结果怎么样了?

古奇: 我已经申请了多少所学校,当初在等回复。

阿美: 你选了什么专业?



古奇: 我申请了服装设计。你知道的,我始终想成为一个服装设计师。

阿美: 那不错啊,在职业学校学习会给你带来很好的发展。目前,社会很需要有专业技能的人才。



古奇: 是的,我想服装设计是我最空想的决定。

阿美: 他们有什么样的课程?

古奇: 他们开设有视觉艺术、时装、电脑软件等等。所有的所有都对我很有吸引力。



阿美: 你有机会在时装公司实习吗?

古奇: 有的,咱们会去看很多时装秀,参加很多时装设计比赛。兴许有一天,我可能参加国际上的时装设计比赛。



阿美: 好的,未来你还可以去巴黎跟世界上最好的名师学习。



古奇: 那好像太远了吧,然而有志者事竟成。我信赖我可能做到的。



阿美: 真渴望有一天我可以在商店里买到你设计的衣服。



古奇: 你能够做我的模特,穿上我设计的衣服去加入古装竞赛。

阿美: 一言为定,你不开玩笑,是吧?



古奇: 当然不,将来我还要帮你设计婚纱。

经典背诵 Recitation



Gucci: Failing the College Entrance Exam never beats me down. I choose a vocational school as I want to be a fashion designer. I hope one day I can attend the international fashion competition to show my works in front of the world. Of course, May's wedding dress is also my business.






designer n. 设计师

visual art 视觉艺术



model n. 模特



Material 语素

German Vocational School

The Berufsschulen are two-and-three-year German vocational schools that prepare young people for a profession. These schools usually offer full-time vocation-specific programs. They are attended by students who want to train for a specialty or those already in the workforce who want to earn the equivalent of an intermediate school certificate.


Berufsschulen 是德国针对青年人就业的职业学校,学制为两到三年。大学生英语口语对话中的这些学校通常开设全天候的各类职业课程。而报名参加这些课程的人通常是想学一门特定技巧的学生,或者是已经参加工作但还想要得到同类学校等同窗历的在职人员。

U.S. Community College

America's community colleges have evolved far from their original roles as specialized extensions of high schools. There is no longer anything “junior” about the majority of U.S. two-year colleges. With more than half of America's undergraduate student enrollment, community colleges are now a cornerstone of undergraduate teaching and learning.












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