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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:53:32


  The development of the nation has created many problems. People are using more and more water resources. Also, development has created problems such as pollution, which further limits the water supply. Therefore, water has become an important topic in China because of the severe water shortage in some places. That has been occurring. The lack of water resources in these places has led to ideas such as the south-to-north water diversion plan. This idea is to build a canal capable of transporting water from the south to north or back again to relieve the problems of severe weather. These projects, along with others such as making more use of sea water, are intended to provide for the commonwealth of the Chinese people. Let me be the first to state that there can be a solution to these problems. Individuals, as well as the government, have a responsibility to take measures to ease the burden that is harming our water supply. This means not wasting the water and using it only when necessary. This is especially true of drinkable water, which is only a small part of the water supply. Each of us must do our part.








  语法小结 Grammar






  原因状语从句主要是由because, since, as 勾引。because 语势最强,用来说明人所不知的起因,回答why提出的问题;当原因是不问可知的或已为人所知的,就可用as或since。



  1. 由because, since, as 引导

  I punished him because he cheated me. 我处罚他是由于他欺骗了我。

  Since everyone is here, let's begin. 大家都在这儿了,咱们开始吧。

  As you are not good at math, you should work harder and catch up with others.既然你的数学不好,你就应当更加努力赶上其别人。

  2.口语练习话题中的 在be+形容词的结构后的从句也可能表示起因。

  I am sorry that he didn't come. 很负疚他不来。



  I am glad that he's feeling better. 我很高兴他觉得好多了。

  She was surprised that he didn't pass the exam. 他没通过考试,她感到很奇怪。

  家庭总动员 Do it together













  1.It was not easy for me to do that because I knew little about them.



  2.I was angry because he cheated me



  3.Since everyone knows it, I needn't to say that again.



  4.I am sorry that this color of lipstick doesn't suit you.



  5.As you are poor in oral English, you should open your mouth to practice more.






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