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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:57:49

1.I'll keep my ears open.  我会留意的英语口语辅导。   

2.Neck and neck.  不分高下。    

3.I'm feeling under the weather.  我觉得不舒服/精神不好/感情低落。   



4.Don't get me wrong.  不要曲解我。             

5.You're the boss.   听你的。   

6.If I were in your shoes.   如果我是你的话。   

7.Over my dead body!  休想!   



8.It'll come to me.  我会想起来的。   



9.I will play it by ear.   我会见机行事的;到时候再说。   



0.Let's talk over coffee.  英语口语辅导 咱们边喝边谈。   

11.Take it easy.   轻松一点;别弛缓;放松放松。   

12.Let's give him a big hand.   让咱们热烈鼓掌。     



13.As far as I'm concerned.   就我而言。           

14.I'm up to my ears in work.   我忙去世了。   



15.You can't do this to me.   你不能这么对我。   

16.Just to be on the safe side.   为了安全起见的英语口语辅导句式。   

17.It's been a long time.  很久不见了。   



18.It's about time.   时间差不多了。   

19.I can't imagine why.   我想不通为什么。   



20.That's really something.   真了不起。   



21.Excuse me for a moment.   失陪一会儿。   



22.I'm dying to see you.  我真想见你。   



23.I'm flattered.  过奖了。   



24.You can never tell.  不知道/谁也没控制。   



25.I won't buy you story.  英语口语辅导句式翻译;我不信你那一套。



由英语口语教材提供  线话英语:www.linewow.com