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线话英语|2015-05-08 15:58:30

  1.pissed off 很活气的口语对话练习例句如下:

  A:My mother was pissed off since I went home very late last night. 昨晚我回家很迟,我妈妈非常负气

  B:You should more careful and go home earlier next time. 你下次应该警戒点,稍微早点回家



  2.Get out of my face! 离我远一点,别烦我!

  A: Get out of my face 离我远一点,别烦我!



  B: what hanppened? 发生什么事了?

  3.drive sb nuts 把某人逼疯了



  A:The noise next door drive me nuts! 隔壁的噪音快把我逼疯了!



  B:I will go there to find out what they are doing. 我去看看她们在干什么。

  4.ace a test 考得很好



  A:Mom,I aced the math test again. 妈妈,我这次数学又考得很好。



  B:God boy 好孩子!

  5.I'll say. 我也有同感

  口语对话练习如A:I don't like the way they act. 我不喜好她们做事的方式

  B: I'll say. 我也是



  6.Get real. 认清事实,别做梦了!



  A:I want to be loved by everyone! 我希望每个人都爱我!



  B:Get real. 别做梦看了!



  7.hold it down. 小声点



  A:Mom,look that man. 妈妈,看那个人。

  B:Hold it down! 小声点

  8.yummy 很好吃,滋味不错



  A:What do you think of this ice cream? 这个冰激凌怎么样?

  B:It's yummy. 味道好极了!

  9.Two thumbs up! 异样好!

  A:What do you think of my performance just now? 你觉得我刚才的表演怎么样?

  B:Two thumbs up. 无比好!的口语对话练习句

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