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初级英语对话:right on the money

线话英语|2015-05-08 16:02:16

  Larry(L)和李华(LH)一起去逛街,给Larry的友人Tom买生日礼物。今天咱们要初级英语对话学两个常用语:right on the money和crapshoot。

  LH: Larry, Tom平时有什么爱好啊?



  L: Tom really enjoys sports, especially skiing. But he also loves video games too。

  LH: 他喜好滑雪跟电子游戏?当初景象这么热,没法带他去滑雪……对了!咱们给他买一个滑雪的电子游戏,这样他在家里就能滑了!

  L: You want to buy him a skiing video game? I think you're right on the money. Great idea!



  LH: Right on the money? 什么意思?你让我付钱买礼物吗?

  L: Actually, when you say that something is right on the money, that means it is exactly right。

  LH: 哦,right on the money就是“完全正确”的意思。你是说,我提出给Tom买滑雪游戏是个特别好的主意,对过错?



  L: Exactly. Here is another example. When Erica went to visit Karen she wasn't sure which apartment number was hers. Luckily her guess was right on the money。



  LH: 我明白了。Erica不断定Karen家的门牌号码,可是她一猜就猜中了,这就叫right on the money。

  L: Exactly! You're right on the money。



  LH: 那可不!咱们去电器商场买游戏吧!对了,那家店在哪儿来着?是在14街上么?



  L: Yup, you're right on the money. There is a big electronics store there。



  LH: 那我们怎么去呢?



  L: There is a metro station nearby, so I think that will be the most convenient way。



  LH: 对,附近是有地铁。是地铁的哪条线来着?绿线么?



  L: Yup, you're right on the money again. It's the green line。



  L: Larry, 这种滑雪游戏仿佛是新上市的,会不会很贵啊?得50块钱吧?



  LH: Wow Lihua, good guess! You're right on the money. The most popular skiing video game is $49.99.

  L: 哈!我今天怎么猜什么都那么准啊!那我再猜猜,你买这个游戏给Tom, 切实是想和他一起玩儿吧?

  LH: Actually, Lihua, you're right on the money!







  LH: Larry,这里至少有10种滑雪游戏!咱们买哪个啊?

  L: Hmmm... I don't know. Maybe we could ask a store employee to recommend one。

  LH: 找店员问?他确定给你推荐最贵的,而且还不一定好!



  L: I guess you're right. Since we don't have any idea which games are good, it's really just a crapshoot。



  LH: A crapshoot? 什么意思?

  L: A crapshoot is something that depends totally on luck。

  LH: 哦,crapshoot就是完整靠福分的事件。

  L: Exactly. For example, becoming a movie star is extremely competitive. Even if you're a good actor, it's still mostly a crapshoot。



  LH: 对,想成为电影明星很难,即使你有表演天赋,这也基本上是撞大运的事儿。



  L: You got it。

  LH: Larry,这里的游戏都好贵啊,要不咱们去别的店看看,兴许有便宜点的?

  L: Maybe, but there isn't any way to know which store would be cheaper. It would really be just a crapshoot。

  LH: 这倒也是。对了,Tom家的游戏机是什么牌子的啊?任天堂?索尼?还是X-Box?



  L: Hmm... I have no idea。

  LH: 啊?你不知道牌子,那怎么买游戏啊。万一型号对不上,就没法玩儿啦。



  L: Well, we will just have to guess. It will be a crapshoot, but he can always exchange it later。

  LH: 那多麻烦。要不我们送给Tom一张购物券吧,让他自己随便买点什么。反正我们也不是很判断他会爱好滑雪游戏。

  L: Well, it's not a total crapshoot. We know he likes skiing and video games, so it's likely he will like this gift。



  LH: 我说 Larry, 你对Tom的诞辰礼物可真上心啊!我猜,等到给我买生日礼物的时候,你必定会花更多的心理!

  L: Of course, Lihua. You're right on the money!



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