The capital released a top 10 of commonly seen bad driving habits at a press conference on Saturday in the hope of raising awareness of "road civility". On the list was using a cell phone, not wearing a seat belt, throwing trash out of windows and overusing the car horn。
在上面的报道中,词语的英语单词road civility就是“交通文明”。Civility意为“礼貌,客套”,如:He greeted us with civility。(他谦恭地同咱们打了号召。)
交管局部表示,警方将严厉收拾unruly road users(“霸王车”),重点针对drunk driving(醉酒驾车)、running a red light(闯红灯)、driving without a license(无证驾驶)等“十大交通遵法行动”。为了进步人们的交通文化意识,appropriate punishment(适当处罚)跟 reward policies(褒奖政策)是少不了的常用的英语单词知识点。
据报道,不文明举动造成车辆在路上停留1分钟,就会导致1公里的道路拥挤。为了改进交通环境,缓解交通拥挤,北京还在年前出台新措施,恳求今后买车上牌需摇号,也就是license-plate lottery(车牌摇号)政策。