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线话英语|2015-05-08 16:04:34

104、实用英语口语300句之Sorry,I'm all tied up right now.对不起,我当初很忙。

105、All right.Maybe some other time.好吧,那就下次吧。

106、I'm sorry,I've already got plans.对不起,我已经跟别人约好了。



107、That'll be the day.不可能。(说的是反话)(语气上扬,若是断定则语气下降)

108、Don't bet on it.不可能。

109、Oh That's a great idea.哦,你这主意真够傻的。(语气上扬的实用英语口语300句句式)



110、Now that was a great meal.这顿饭真够丰盛!



111、Are you up for some dessert?你要不要来点甜食?



112、I couldn't eat another bite.我切实吃不下了。

113、The toilet is backed up.厕所堵上了。



114、The bulb is burnt out.灯泡烧坏了。

115、to blow a fuse.保险丝烧断了。

116、You look sick. How are you feeling?你看起来不太舒服,你觉得怎么样?



117、I'm as sick as a dog.我病的很重。



118、I'm a little under the weather.我有点不舒畅。



119、I hope you get better soon.我渴望你很快好起来。



120. This place is like a zoo.这个地方真热闹.

121. This is a real hot spot.这个地区真繁华.



122. This place is like a tomb.这个地域真冷清.

123. He lives in the middle of nowhere.他离群索居.



124. Can I try that on?我可能试穿吗?



125. How does this look on me?我穿这件看起来怎么样?



126. How does it fit?这件衣服合不合身?



127. I'll take it.我买下它了.

128. We're going out.我们开始约会了。

129. I got dumped.我被抛弃了。

130. I and my girlfriend just broke up.我刚跟女友人分辨了。

131. Come on, it's time to go.来吧,咱们该走了。



132. Hold on, have we got everything?等等,我们没忘带什么东西吧?

133. Where're we headed next?接下来咱们去哪儿?



134. My computer crashed.我的打算机系统崩溃了。



135. The server's down.服务器坏了。

136. It's on the fritz.它出故障了。

137. Do you know where there's a good hotel?你知道哪的饭店不错?



138. What are your rates?费用多少?

139. What does that include?包括了哪些服务?



140. 实用英语口语300句之When is check-out time?什么时候必须结帐?


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