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线话英语|2015-05-08 16:06:25

  1.I need to pick up somebody at the airport.(机场英语口语我要去机场接人)


  2.Excuse me, Miss, will Flight No 33666 arrive on time?(小姐,请问xx号航班会准时到吗?)

  3.It has been delayed.(飞机晚点了)


  4.It arrived on time.(飞机误点到达)


  5.It has been cancelled.(航班被取消了)

  6.Where is the luggage Pick-up?(行李提取处在哪?的机场英语口语)


  7.Where is the Taxi Stand?(在哪叫出租车?)


  8. I will hold up a sign and wait for you at the Arrival Gate No....(我会举个牌子在入口..号大门处等你.

  9. I will be waiting in the parking lot. As soon as you claim your luggage, please call my cell phone right away.我会在停车场等你.你一提好行李,立即打我手机.


  10.My car is black with lisence plate No....我的车是黑色,车牌号是...

  11.How was your flight? 问候人家坐飞机的旅程舒服不. 这句最关键, 毕竟刚下飞机断定有点感想.

  12.Did you enjoy your trip? 你享受这次旅行吗?


  13.Was the food to your taste? 吃的东西合胃口吗?


  14Please let me know if there's anything you need! 如果有什么需要, 请告诉我。





  腾飞take off


  问讯处.Information Desk


  机场费 airport fee


  国际机场 international airport


  国内机场 domestic airport

  机场候机楼 airport terminal


  国际候机楼 international terminal


  国际航班出港 international departure

  海内航班出站 domestic departure

  不需报关 nothing to declare


  登机口 gate; departure gate

  候机室 departure lounge

  航班号 FLT No (flight number)

  预计时光 scheduled time (SCHED)

  前往...... departure to 

  起飞时间 departure time

  耽误 delayed

  登机 boarding

  由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures


  免税店 duty-free shop


  货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange

  行李暂存箱 luggage locker m

  登机手续办理 check-in .yingyuzhijia.com

  登机牌 boarding pass (card)


  护照检查处 passport control immigration


  行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim


   国际航班旅客 international passengers

  中转 transfers

  中转旅客 transfer passengers


   中转处 transfer correspondence

  过境 transit


   报关物品 goods to declare


   购票处 ticket office


   出租车乘车点 Taxipick-up point

  大轿车乘车点 coachpick-up point

  航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service


   租车处(旅客自己驾车) car hire

  公用电话 public phone; telephone


   行李牌 luggage tag 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

由英语口语教材提供  线话英语:www.linewow.com