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线话英语|2015-05-08 16:06:50


  Dates 日期

  In English, we can say dates either with the day before the month, or the month before the day:




  The first of January / January the first. 

  Remember to use ordinal numbers for dates in English. 


  (The first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the twenty-second, the thirty-first etc.)



  Years 年份



  For years up until 2000, separate the four numbers into two pairs of two:


  在2000年之前的年份,你能够把四个数字英语分成两部分来说: 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

  1965 = nineteen sixty-five

  1871 = eighteen seventy-one

  1999 = nineteen ninety-nine



  For this decade, you need to say "two thousand and ..." when speaking British English:


  2000年之后的年份,(英式英语中)你要说数字英语中的"two thousand and ...": 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

  2001 = two thousand and one


  2009 = two thousand and nine



  Large numbers 大数目



  Divide the number into units of hundreds and thousands:



  400,000 = four hundred thousand (no s plural)


  If the number includes a smaller number, use "and" in British English: 


  450,000 = four hundred and fifty thousand 

  400,360 = four hundred thousand and three hundred and sixty 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

  Fractions, ratios and percentages 分数,比例,百分比



  1/2 = one half


  1/3 = one third

  1/4 = one quarter


  1/5 = one fifth



  1/6 = one sixth etc 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

  3/5 = three fifths

  1.5% = one point five percent


  0.3% = nought / zero point three percent



  2:1 = two to one

  Saying 0 如何说数字0?


  Depending on the context, we can pronounce zero in different ways: 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

  根据语境的不同,咱们有很多种说法来表白数字英语0: 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

  2-0 (football) = Two nil


  30 – 0 (tennis) = Thirty love

  604 7721 (phone number) = six oh four…

  0.4 (a number) = nought point four / zero point four

  0℃ (temperature) = zero degrees



  Talking about calculations in English 如何用英语表示算术的数字英语表达方式:

  + (plus)

  2 + 1 = 3 (two plus one equals three)


  - (minus / take away) 英语之家www.yingyuzhijia.com

  5 – 3 = 2 (five minus three equals two / five take away three equals two)

  x (multiplied by / times)



  2 x 3 = 6 (two multiplied by three equals six / two times three equals six)


  / (divided by)


  6 / 3 = 2 (six divided by three equals two)



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