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线话英语|2015-05-08 16:08:10

  有木有爱慕过新概念三 Five Pounds Too Dear 里面的主人公把一只钢笔从50英镑一口气砍到5英镑的本事?下面就来教教你砍价的几个英语口语常用小偏方:



  1. Stop caring what people think of you.



  Many people hesitate to haggle because they don't want to seem cheap. But are you really willing to pay top dollar just so you can preserve the esteem of total strangers? You're only meeting them this once, and you'll probably never meet them again. Even if you're shopping with people you know, they might raise an eyebrow when you start haggling, but they'll sure be jealous when you get a better price than they did!






  很多人在砍价上犹豫是因为不想让别人看低自己。然而你真的乐意为了在陌生人面前保持所谓“尊严”而多花银子吗?何况那些卖家你当前再也不会碰到。即便是跟意识的人一起购物,你开始砍价的时候他们兴许会挑一下眉毛,但如果你能拿到比他们更好的价格,就只有被倾慕的份儿啦。 本文来自:英语之家

  2. Bring cash.

  A lot of times, offering cash upfront will entice a retailer to meet your price. Split your cash in increments so that you can show the seller the money you're offering without them seeing how much more money you have sitting in your wallet。 内容来自




  很多时候,预付现金可能让卖家更愿意接受你的价格。当然要把钱分开放,不要让卖家看到你包里还有更多的钱。 本文来自:英语之家

  3. Show hesitation about buying the product. 本文来自:英语之家

  Even if it's the perfect item, the moment the seller sees that wistful look in your eyes they'll know they've got the upper hand. Appear interested, as if you're willing to buy the product if the price is right, but you can certainly live without it as well。



  毫不犹豫 内容来自

  即使商品再完美,一旦让卖家看到你饥渴的眼神,你就输了一半了。表示出一定的兴致:假如价钱合适你会买,然而不买也无所谓。 本文来自:英语之家

  4. Pretend to consult with a reluctant partner.



  When the seller makes an offer that is almost what you want, look distressed and say "Oh, okay. Well, let me ask my husband/wife/mother/father. I've been dying to get one of these for months now, but they keep saying it's too expensive." If you have a cell phone, pull it out and call your partner in crime, or even fake the call if you have to: "Yes, but it's what I've been looking for...I don't know...OK...Yes, fine..." End your call, turn to the seller, and say "I can buy it for..." giving a price that is slightly below what they've offered。









  5. Keep the conversation going. 本文来自:英语之家

  Besides smiling a lot, it is important to keep the conversation going while actively pursuing your desired price. Keeping talking makes the seller feel more at ease and makes him/her confident that you are sincere with your offer. Don't ever go quiet, this makes the seller believe you have lost interest and he will no longer tend to your requests。 本文来自:英语之家

  坚持谈话 本文来自:英语之家



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